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3rd August 2021 Council Meeting

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 3rd August 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1. The Mayor’s Business

2. Apologies

3. Declarations of Members’ Interests

4. Deputation DfI Roads Programme Spring 2021 - C Hutchinson, Divisional Roads Manager, G Quinn, Network Maintenance Manager, J Morrison, Section Engineer in attendance  (report attached)

5. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 29 June 2021 (attached)

6. Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel

7. Conferences

8. Correspondence (report attached)

9. Consultation Schedule (report attached)

10. Seal Documents

(i) Grave Registry Certificates, No’s 5157- 5171 inclusive
(ii) Roe Valley Enterprises

(a)   Draft Release of the Charge registered on 6/11/2007 on Folio LY28572L Co. Londonderry
(Ref L&D 180213 / CM 180227) (retrospective)

(b)   Draft Release of the Charge registered on 28/02/2008 on Folio LY93909L Co. Londonderry
(Ref L&D 180213 / CM 180227) (retrospective)

(iii)   Catering Agreement for Carrick Dhu Coffee Shop – Kirsten Dougherty and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
(Ref L&P SC 210602, CP&R 210622, CM 210629)

(iv)   Access Road to Former Dungiven Sports Pavilion, Dungiven - Maintenance Agreement – Department of Education, Western Health and Social Care Trust and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council (Ref L&P SC 210505, CP&R 210525, CM 210602) (retrospective)

(v)   Former Dungiven Sports Pavilion, Dungiven - Sales Contract - Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and the Department of Education (Ref L&P SC 210505, CP&R 210525, CM 210602) (retrospective)

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