4th January 2022 Council Meeting
Full Council
1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies
3. Declaration of Members’ Interests
4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 7th December 2021 (attached)
5. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 24th November 2021 (attached)
6. Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held Wednesday 8th December 2021 (attached)
7. Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting held Thursday 9th December 2021 (attached)
8. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 14th December 2021 (attached)
9. Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 21st December 2021 (business transacted) (to follow)
10. Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel
11. Conferences (report attached)
12. Correspondence (report attached)
13. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
14. Seal Documents
(i) Grave Registry Certificates, No’s 5249 – 5269.
15. Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman Baird, seconded by Councillor P McShane
Request for a Dog Control Order on lands between Ballintoy Harbour and Whitepark Bay
Council have an asserted Right of Way over the lands as detailed above. This assertion is causing considerable hardship for the landowner who grazes sheep here; there are constant dog attacks on his sheep by irresponsible pet owners who constantly allow their dogs to run out of control. Apart from signage at Ballintoy Harbour, Council have not taken any action to try to stop the cruel attacks on the sheep causing considerable loss to the farmer. Accordingly, I now propose that Council make a Dog Control Order on this land to ban dogs from the area which is a working sheep farm. In proposing this I am mindful of the need for Council to maintain the good will of all landowners were asserted ROWs cross farmland.
16. Advice to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in respect of a Call-In received by the Chief Executive in challenge to a decision of Council on 7th December 2021 to sell the Dunluce Centre Portrush to the preferred bidder. (Legal Opinion attached)
“That Council accept Mr O’Donnell’s financial bid of £1.21m and his proposal for the development of a Family Entertainment Centre at the Dunluce Centre subject to due legal process being completed for the transfer of title and any legal covenants concerning the development of the site.”