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4th May 2021 Council Meeting

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 4th May 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1.  The Mayor’s Business

2.  Apologies

3.  Declarations of Members’ Interests

4.  Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 30 March 2021 (attached)

5.  Minutes of Special Council Meeting held Thursday 15 April 2021 (attached)

6.  Minutes of Planning Meeting held Wednesday 24 March 2021 (attached)

7.  Minutes of Environmental Services Meeting held Monday 19 April 2021 (attached)

8.  Minutes of Leisure and Development Meeting held Tuesday 20 April 2021 (attached)

9.   Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting held Thursday 22 April 2021 (attached)

10. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee meeting held Tuesday 27 April 2021 (to follow)

11. Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel

12. Conferences

13. Correspondence (report attached)

14. Consultation Schedule (report attached)

15. Seal Documents

(I)    Grave Registry Certificates, Numbers 5126 – 5139 (inclusive)

(II)  Public Right of Way Assertion Statement – Clare Park (ref L&D 16/3/21, CM 30/3/21)

(III) Grant of Easement/Right of Way, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Loughguile – Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council (ref L&P SC 6/6/18, CP&R 19/6/18, CM 26/6/18)

(iv)  Renewal Lease, 3 Berne Road, Portstewart, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Lost and Found Ltd (ref L&P 3/2/21, CP&R 23/2/21, CM 2/3/21)

16. Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman S McKillop, Seconded by Alderman   

‘That this council recognises Bobby Greer and his extraordinary contribution to the Bushmills’ community.  Whilst Bobby was a humble and unassuming individual, his love and commitment to the entire Bushmills’ community was renowned and tireless. Specifically, Bobby was a ‘leading light’ in the fund raising efforts and development of Bushmills’ United Football Club. Furthermore, his moral and ethical characteristics were an example to all, not just in football, but as a community leader.  Bobby was also instrumental in securing the football pitch at Dundarave for future generations of Bushmills United.  Following his sad passing in 2020, Bobby was described in the Antrim Guardian as an ‘absolute legend’ and ‘the kindest and most caring person. In recognition of Bobby’s life and his commitment and contribution to Bushmills, this Council names the Dundarave Sports Facility as the Bobby Greer Sports Complex, installing appropriate signage. To upgrade the site, officers   investigate the options, with the intention of installing floodlighting at both the sports pitch and MUGA’

17.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Callan, seconded by Councillor Holmes and supported by Alderman Robinson, Councillor Watton, Councillor McCandless:

'That this Council falls in line with the new guidance published by the Department  for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to have the Union flag flown on Council and Civic buildings every day (365 days). Therefore the following buildings would fly  the flag in accordance with this policy; Coleraine Town Hall, Cloonavin Council  Headquarters, Limavady Office (Connell St), Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre, Ballymoney Town Hall, Riada House, Portrush Town Hall and Portstewart Town  Hall. This list of buildings will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The Union Flag is the National Flag of the United Kingdom, and it is so called because it embodies the emblems of the constituent nations united under one Sovereign – the  Kingdoms of England and Wales, of Scotland and of Northern Ireland.  

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