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7th October 2020 Land and Property Sub Committee

Land and Property Sub Committee

Date: Wednesday, 7th October 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair


4. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 2nd September 2020 (Summary Attached)

4.1 Ref 41/20 – Use of Market Yard Coleraine (report to follow)

5. Coleraine Leisure Centre and Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre – Café Facilities (report attached)

6. Ballycastle, Sheskburn House – Requests for Use of Facilities

6.1    Education Authority (report attached)

6.2    Ballycastle Foodbank (report attached)

7. Portstewart, Juniper Hill Caravan Site - Operation of Café, Coffee Shop and Grocery facility (report to follow)

8. Requests for Use of Council Land (report attached)

9. Requests to Purchase Council Land/Property

 9.1 Transfer of Ownership of Council owned Portacabins from Coleraine FC (report attached)

10. Leases/Licenses

10.1 Benone Avenue, Limavady, NIE Wayleave Agreement No 814008 and associated works (report attached)

10.2 Annual Land Lettings 2021 (report attached)

11. Legal Issues (verbal update)