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8th June 2022 Audit Committee

Audit Committee

Date: Wednesday, 8th June 2022 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting held Wednesday 9 March 2022 (summary attached) 
4. Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO)
5. Draft Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 (report to follow)
6. Internal Audit (Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council) 
6.1 Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships Audit (report attached) 
6.2 Labour Market Partnership Audit (report attached)
6.3 Internal Audit Annual Assurance Report and Opinion (report to follow)
Questionnaires completed:
6.4 NIAO Fraud Assessment Questionnaire 2021-22 –completed assessment (report available on request)
6.5 Managing Fraud Risk in a Changing Environment Self-Assessment Checklist 2021-22 (report available on request)
6.6 Proper Arrangements Questionnaire 2021-22 (report available on request)
7. Internal Audit (Moore NI)
7.1 Ballyreagh Golf Club (report attached)
7.2 Arts and Culture Centres (report attached)
7.3 Grants Management (report attached)
7.4 Performance Improvement Verification (report attached)
7.5 Prior Year Recommendations (report to follow)
8. Annual Self-Assessment Report 2022/23 (report attached)
9. Direct Award Contracts (report attached)
10. Performance Improvement – Audit Proposals for Improvement Quarterly Update (report attached)
11. Absence Report Year End 2022 (report attached) 
12. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
13. Correspondence (Addendum attached) 
14. Corporate Risk Matrix (report attached)
15. Legal Cases Activity (report attached)
16. Whistle Blowing /Fraud (verbal update) 
17. Retender of Internal Audit contract (Co-sourcing) (report attached)
18. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))
19. Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 7PM

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