9th March 2021 Environmental Services Meeting
Environmental Services Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 9 February 2021 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Items 4-9 inclusive)
4. Extension to Temporary Pavement Café Licensing Scheme (report attached)
5. Operational Arrangements on Fly-Tipping Protocol Agreement between NIEA & CCGBC (report attached)
6. NIHE Lease: Hazard House, 59 Hamilton Park, Ballymoney (report attached)
7. Entertainment Licence Fees 2021 (report attached)
8. Lansdowne Green – Vehicle Access Control (report attached)
9. Cemetery Provision (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 10-13 inclusive)
10. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)
11. Licenses Delegated Under Delegated Authority (report attached)
12. Department of Health: Northern Ireland Distance Awareness Scheme (report attached)
13. Waste Data Return July to September 2020 (Provisional) (report attached)
14. Correspondence
15. Consultative Documents
16. Conferences
17. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
18. Notice of Motion, Proposed by Councillor McGurk Seconded byCouncillor Bateson, referred from Council Meeting 2 March 2021
That this Council adopts a new policy on bi–lingual street signage with the trigger for consultation with residents set at an expression of interest by a resident/residents/elected member and further that the number percentage of residents responding positively being sufficient to erect a second nameplate being set at 15% with non–respondents counted a void.The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, to which the UK is a signatory, establishes an obligation on state signatories not to create barriers in respect of the use of a minority language.The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and the UN Special Rapporteur’s guide to the implementation of language rights of linguistic minorities.The relevant paragraph of the guidance is as follows:Street and locality names and topographical indicators intended for the public are important as markers of social identity, culture and history.A good, practical approach adopted in most countries is for the authorities to provide transparent legalisation or procedures to allow bilingual or even trilingual signs, usually following the proportionality principle where there is a sufficient concentration or demand for such signs in minority languages.While national legalisation varies, the low threshold where it is considered practicable and reasonable to provide such signs tends to vary between 5 per cent and 20 per cent of the local population, with the lowest threshold usually associated with the use of a minority language that also has some kind of official status or for traditional, historical reasons.The criteria for the display of signs in minority languages must be given a clear and unambiguous legislative basis for it to be effectively implemented.Bilingual or multilingual signs used by public authorities demonstrate inclusiveness, and that various population groups share a locality in harmony and mutual respect.
19. Notice of Motion Proposed by Alderman Fielding Seconded by Alderman Robinson, referred from Council Meeting 2 March 2021
That Council explore where available dedicated green space areas could be provided for dog parks at locations across the Borough.
20. Purchase of Replacement Vehicles (report attached)
21. Climate Emergency Forum (CEF) Terms of Reference (report attached)
22. Full Business Case (FBC) For The Development of Waste Management Infrastructure for Kerbside Collected Recyclates (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION IN COMMITTEE (Items 23 -24 inclusive)
23. Correspondence in relation to property at Briar Hill, Greysteel (report attached)
24. Period 10 ES Management Accounts (report attached)
25. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))