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Corporate Policy & Resorces Committee Meeting 22nd September 2020 7pm

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 22nd September 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 25 August 2020 (summary attached)

4. 2019/20 Performance Self Assessment (report attached)

5. Annual Remembrance Services Report (report attached)

6. Section 75 Annual Progress Report to Equality Commission for NI (report attached)

7. Review of Council Equality Scheme (report attached)

8. Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016 – Annual Monitoring Report on Rural Needs Assessments (report attached)

9. Timetable of Council and Committee Meetings Schedule January –December 2021 (report attached)

10. Business Plans 2020-21 (Draft)

10.1  Democratic and Central Services (Plan attached)

10.2 ODHR (Plan attached)

10.3 Policy and Community Planning (Plan attached)

10.4 Finance (Plan to follow)

11, Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)

12. Conferences

13. Correspondence                                                                                      

14, Consultations (report attached)

15, Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

16. Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman McCandless, seconded by Councillor Wilson (referred from 7 April 2020 Council Meeting)

"that his Council notes that according to the London School of Economics there are currently over 22,000 people living with dementia in Northern Ireland, this figure is projected to nearly double to 42,800 by 2040 and the cost to the economy of dementia in 2040 will be over £1 billion.  This Council calls on the Minister for Health to ensure a universal and comprehensive approach across all Health Trusts in Northern Ireland for people following a dementia diagnosis and urges his Department to #FixDementiaCare by reforming Adult Social Care funding to address the costs faced by the growing number of people with dementia and their families.  This Council will build on Alzheimer’s Society work of creating Dementia Friendly Communities by hosting a ‘Dementia Friendly workshop’ which will increase the awareness and confidence of our staff to better relate to, support and communicate with people with dementia to help tackle stigma, establish best practice and reduce barriers for our ageing population.”

17. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor MA McKillop, seconded by Councillor Mulholland (referred from 7 April 2020 Council Meeting)

“That this Council notes the significant Housing waiting lists affecting Communities across the district; further notes the need to urgently invest in waste water infrastructure to ensure we can continue building new homes to meet the needs of the people we represent; agrees to write to the Finance Minister to urge him to provide additional resource to the Department for Infrastructure and the Department for Communities to deliver a radical programme of housing new builds.”


18. Debt Management (report to follow)

19. Structure Review (report to follow)

20.  Land and Property Sub-Committee Minutes (report attached)

21.  Investigation Report into a Complaint (legal representative in attendance)

22.  Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))