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Corporate Policy & Resources Committee Meeting 25th August 2020 7pm

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25th August 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 25 February 2020 (summary attached)

4. Corporate Strategy (report attached)

5. Remote Meeting Protocol (report attached)

6. Prompt Payment Statistics (report to follow)

7. Conferences

8. Correspondence (report attached)                                                                                                           

9. Consultations

10. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

11. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Peacock, seconded by Councillor C McShane, (referred from 7 April 2020 Council Meeting)

"That this Council establishes a stand-alone ‘Women’s sub-committee’ made up of female representatives of this council to discuss and promote women’s issues, to build the skills and confidence of female representatives and to promote women getting involved in local politics to aim to achieve proportionality.”

12. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Callan, seconded by Alderman   McCorkell, (referred from 7 April 2020 Council Meeting)

“Given the strategic significance of planning to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council – we ask that the Chief Executive bring in outside planning consultants from an exemplar planning authority to carry out a full review of our planning functions and processes. This is to be completed within a 3month period on the passing of this motion.”


13.   Debt Management (report attached)

14.    APP Forecast (report to follow)

15.    Investigation Report into a Complaint (to be presented on the night)

16.  Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))

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