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Council Meeting 6th October 2020 7pm

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 6th October 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


1. The Mayor’s Business

2. Apologies

3. Declarations of Members’ Interests

4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 1 September 2020 (attached)

5. Minutes of Special Council Meeting held Monday 28 September 2020 (to follow)

6. Deputation DfI, Autumn Consultation (report to follow)

7.      Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 26 August 2020, reconvened on Thursday 17 September 2020 (to follow)

8.      Minutes of Environmental Services Meeting held Tuesday 8 September 2020 (attached)

9.      Minutes of Audit Committee meeting held Wednesday 9 September 2020 (attached)

10.    Minutes of Finance Committee meeting held Thursday 10 September 2020 (attached)

11.    Minutes of Leisure and Development Meeting held Tuesday 15 September 2020 (attached)

12.    Minutes of Corporate Policy & Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 22 September 2020 (attached)

13.    Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel (report attached)

14.    Conferences (report attached)

15.    Correspondence (report attached)

16.    Consultation Schedule (report attached)

17.    Seal Documents

17.1 Grave Registry Certificates, No’s 5013 – 5025 (inclusive)

17.2 The Council (Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council) and Contractor, Articles of Agreement - The provision of waste services for the collection, disposal and treatment of engine oil, oily rags, oil filters, vegetable oil, paints, varnishes and used engine oil containers (Ref ES 200811 / CM 200901)

17.3 St Canices GAA deed of Dedication (Ref L&D 190911 / CM 180925 and L&D 190813 / CM 190827)

17.4  Contract for purchase of lands adjoining Ballywillan Cemetery (Ref ES 191210 / CM 200107)

18.    Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McMullan, seconded by Councillor Chivers

That this council establishes an "Agricultural Sub-Committee" made up from representatives of this council to discuss and promote all aspects of Agriculture within the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area.

19.    Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Mulholland, seconded by Alderman Fielding

That this Council provides the necessary provision of steps and path access for “Port na happle” to ensure a safe entry to the swimming facility and for exit out of same. This will ensure that local residents and visitors alike can avail of our natural coastal resources, encouraging health and wellbeing, including mental health.

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