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Council Meeting 7th January 2020 7pm

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 7th January 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


  1. The Mayor’s Business

  2. Apologies

  3. Declarations of Members’ Interests

  4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 3 December 2019 (attached)

  5. Deputation - Car Parking issues, BID area, Coleraine, J Hamill in attendance

  6. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 27 November 2019 (attached)

  7. Minutes of Finance Committee meeting held Thursday 28 November 2019 (attached)

  8. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 10 December 2019 (attached)

  9. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting held Wednesday 11 December 2019 (attached)

  10. Minutes of Leisure & Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 17 December 2019 (attached)

  11. Minutes of Finance Committee held Thursday 19 December 2019 (attached)

  12. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side

  13. Conferences (report attached)

  14. Correspondence (report attached)

  15. Consultation Schedule (report attached)

  16. Seal Documents

16.1   Grave Registry Certificates Coleraine (9) / Ballymoney (6) / Limavady (1) Numbers 4860 – 4875 inclusive

Other Leases/Licences

16.2   Boundary Rectification Causeway Memorial School Bushmills, (Ref L&P 170607/CM 170627)

16.3   Deed of Transfer, Boundary, Aston Park Coleraine (Ref L&P 20191106/CM 191203)

16.4   Northern Ireland Electricity Networks Wayleave Agreement No 818135 – Juniper Hill, Portrush Underground Cabling (Ref L&P 191106/CP&R 191126/CM 191203)

16.5   Northern Ireland Electricity Networks Wayleave Agreement No 818136 – Carrick Dhu, Portrush Underground Cabling (Ref L&P 191106/CP&R 191126/CM 191206)  

16.6   Northern Ireland Electricity Networks Wayleave Agreement No 818137 – Juniper Hill and Ballyreagh, Portrush Underground Cabling (Ref L&P 191106/CP&R 191126 /CM 191203)

16.7   Permissive Path Agreement John and Charlie McAlister / CC&GBC (Ref L&D 191119/CM 191203)

16.8   Permissive Path Agreement Andrew McAlister / CC&GBC (Ref L&D 191119/CM 191203)

16.9   Agreement relating to advance purchase of a car (2no.)

For projects within the 2014-2020 NI Rural Development Programme, Village Renewal Scheme

16.10 Friends of Glenariff / CC&GBC - Deed of Consent (Ref L&P 190807/CP&R 190820)

16.11 Friends of Glenariff / CC&GBC – Development Agreement (Ref L&P 190807/CP&R 190820)

16.12 Permissive Path Agreement relating to Burnfoot Riverside Walkway with Mr Mark Robinson (Ref CM 190416)

16.13 Mr Mark Robinson / CC&GBC Deed of Consent (Ref CM 190416)

16.14 Permissive Path Agreement relating to Burnfoot Riverside Walkway with Mr Boyd Douglas (Ref CM 190416)

16.15 Mr Boyd Douglas / CC&GBC Deed of Consent (Ref CM 190416)

16.16 Permissive Path Agreements relating to Burnfoot Riverside Walkway with Mr Adrian Pollock (Ref CM 190416)

16.17 Mr Adrian Pollock / CC&GBC Deed of Consent (Ref CM 190416)

16.18 Carey Faughs (Ballyvoy) GAC / CC&GBC Deed of Consent (Ref CM 190416)

16.19 Carey Faughs GAC / CC&GBC Development Agreement (Ref CM 190416)

16.20 Dervock Loyal Orange Order / CC&GBC Deed of Consent (Ref CM 190416)

16.21 Dervock Loyal Orange Order / CC&GBC Development Agreement (Ref CM 190416)

16.22 Loughgiel Community Association Ltd / CC&GBC Deed of Consent (Ref CM 190416)

16.23 Loughgiel Community Association Ltd / CC&GBC Development Agreement (Ref CM 190416)

17.  Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor MA McKillop, seconded by Councillor Mulholland

This Council resolves:

to require all public firework displays within the local authority boundaries to be advertised in advance of the event, allowing residents to take precautions for their animals and vulnerable people, to actively promote a public awareness campaign about the impact of fireworks on animal welfare and vulnerable people – including the precautions that can be taken to mitigate risks, to write to the UK Government urging them to introduce legislation to limit the maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB for those sold to the public for private displays and to encourage local suppliers of fireworks to stock ‘quieter’ fireworks for public display.

18.   Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Baird, seconded by Alderman Hillis and Councillor Holmes

A Million Trees to Secure our Future on Earth.

It is now clear from empirical evidence that we face a global climate change challenge. The Earth’s atmosphere is warming at a fast rate and while we must continue to reduce our carbon emissions we can help redress the problem by conserving and planting many more trees. A tree can store 48 lbs of carbon dioxide in one year and sequester 1ton of CO2 by the time it reaches 40 years old. Sadly Northern Ireland has the lowest tree coverage in the UK at only 8%.

Reforestation a very effective solution in mitigation of the impending climate crisis and as a Council I propose that we set a target of planting 100,000 trees over this term of Council in our Borough. I further propose that we ask other Councils to join us and make it 1Million trees across Northern Ireland.

Tree planting on this scale will make a difference with benefits not only to store carbon but reduce flooding risk, extend natural habitats and promote physical and mental well being for our citizens.

Council should make tree planting a priority in all environmental schemes and involve all our Communities including farmers and business in this strategy to ensure inclusivity, commitment and success. Funding may be obtained from a variety of sources such as the newly announced National Lottery Community Fund which is directed specifically at climate change. Commitment to tree planting will make a huge difference and I urge you to back this motion and ask other Councils to join with us in improving the environment in Northern Ireland.

19.   Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman Fielding, seconded by Councillor McLean

That this Council provide a permanent toilet facility at Portstewart Harbour for the use of Boat Owners.


20.   Structural Support Works to Portstewart Town Hall (verbal update)

21.   Review of Car Parking Charging (report attached)

22.   Review of Leisure Management Options / Shadow Bid Exercise (report attached)

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