Corporate Policy & Resorces Committee Meeting 24th November 2020 7pm
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 27 October 2020 (summary attached)
4. Women’s Group (report attached)
5. Council Chamber Audio Visual Modernisation (report attached)
6. Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)
7. Scheme of Allowances (report attached)
8. Scheme of Delegation (report attached)
9. Review of Council Constitution (report attached)
10. Corporate Policies – ODHR (report and policies attached)
10.1 Flexible Working
10.2 Mediation
10.3 Domestic Violence and Abuse
12. Correspondence (report attached)
13. Consultations (report attached)
14. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
15. Notice of Motion proposed by, seconded by Councillor McCaw, seconded by Councillor Mulholland (Referred from 4th August 2020 Council Meeting)
In the wake of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this Council recognises the need for a reformed, fairer welfare system that protects everyone in society. It recognises the need to provide economic security for all and invest in people to protect livelihoods and kickstart the economy. Therefore, it calls on the Departments for Communities and Finance and the UK Treasury to design and deliver a recovery Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Northern Ireland. Additionally, this Council supports in principle the investigation of a full, permanent UBI for Northern Ireland, recognising the need for a radical overhaul of the welfare state and the positive impact this would have on poverty alleviation, inequality and mental health in particular. Council will commit to producing a plan for how a pilot of a full UBI would be implemented within the District, and formally expresses its support for said pilot.
16. Debt Management (report attached)
16.1 Debt Recovery Case (report to follow)
17. .Minutes of Land and Property Sub-Committee Meeting held Wednesday 4 November 2020 (attached)
17.1 Land and Property Disposal of Land D1 (report attached)
18. Appointment of Insurance Broker (report attached)
19. Review of Planning (report attached)
20. Populating the Organisation Structure (report to follow)
21. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))