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Environmental Services Committee Meeting 10th March 2020 7pm

Environmental Services Committee

Date: Tuesday, 10th March 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


1.   Apologies

2.   Declarations of Interest

3.   Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 11 February 2020 (summary attached)

FOR DECISION (Items 4 - 8 inclusive)

4.   Consultation on Draft Update to Nutritional Standards for School Food (report attached)

5.   Purchase of 2 No. Small Vans Food (report attached)

6.   Coleraine Cemetery Vehicular Access Restriction Food (report attached)

7.   Purchase of Refuse Collection Vehicles Food (report attached)

8.   Environmental Services KPIs Food (report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 9 - 19 inclusive)

9.   Acupuncture/Business of Cosmetic Piercing/Tattooing/Semi-Permanent Skin-Colouring/Electrolysis Registrations (report attached)

10.  Amusement Permit Renewals (report attached)

11.  Cinema Licence Renewals (report attached)

12.  Entertainment Licence Renewals (report attached)

13.  Licences Issued Under Delegated Authority (report attached)

14.  Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)

15.  Poison Regulations (NI) 1983 (report attached)

16.  Society Lottery Registrations (report attached)

17.  Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)

18.  Council Emergency Plan (report attached)

19.  Memorandum Of Understanding Between The Health And Safety Executive For Northern Ireland (HSENI) And Causeway Coast And Glens Borough Council (report attached)

20.  Correspondence (report attached)

21.  Consultation Documents

22.  Conferences (report attached)

23.  Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

24.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Baird, seconded by Alderman Hillis (referred from Council Meeting 7 January 2020, deferred from Environmental Services Committee Meeting 11 February 2020)

A Million Trees to Secure our Future on Earth

“It is now clear from empirical evidence that we face a global climate change challenge. The Earth’s atmosphere is warming at a fast rate and while we must continue to reduce our carbon emissions we can help redress the problem by conserving and planting many more trees. A tree can store 48 lbs of carbon dioxide in one year and sequester 1ton of CO2 by the time it reaches 40 years old. Sadly Northern Ireland has the lowest tree coverage in the UK at only 8%.

Reforestation a very effective solution in mitigation of the impending climate crisis and as a Council I propose that we set a target of planting 100,000 trees over this term of Council in our Borough. I further propose that we ask other Councils to join us and make it 1Million trees across Northern Ireland.

Tree planting on this scale will make a difference with benefits not only to store carbon but reduce flooding risk, extend natural habitats and promote physical and mental well being for our citizens.

Council should make tree planting a priority in all environmental schemes and involve all our Communities including farmers and business in this strategy to ensure inclusivity, commitment and success. Funding may be obtained from a variety of sources such as the newly announce National Lottery Community Fund which is directed specifically at climate change. Commitment to tree planting will make a huge difference and I urge you to back this motion and ask other Councils to join with us in improving the environment in Northern Ireland.”


25.  Environmental Services Financial Update (report attached)

26.  Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))