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Environmental Services Committee Meeting 11th August 2020 7PM

Environmental Services Committee

Date: Tuesday, 11th August 2020 Time: 07:00 PM



  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 9 June 2020 (summary attached)
  4. Amusement Permit Renewals (report attached)
  5. Entertainments Licence Renewals (report attached)
  6. Licences Issued under Delegated Authority (report attached)
  7. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)
  8. Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)
  9. Confirmation of Funding from the Public Health Agency for the Delivery of Services 2020-2021 (report attached)
  10. Update on Commonwealth Scholarship Programme March-May 2020 (report attached)
  11. Update on Report of Health & Built Environment Enforcement Officers Work during 1st January – 30th June 2020 (report attached)
  12. Streamlining of Pavement Café Licensing Procedure (report attached)
  13. Correspondence (report attached)

14.    Notice of Motion Proposed Councillor McMullan, seconded by Councillor Chivers, referred from Council Meeting held 2 June 2020

Coastal Erosion Motion

That this council recognizes the present and future dangers that coastal erosion will bring to our coast line. That this council also recognizes the impact that coastal erosion will have on our economy and the quality of life for our residents, and further recognizes the ongoing loss of land to the agricultural community due to coastal erosion. That this council now calls on the Department of Infrastructure and DAERA to look at setting up a Coastal Observatory in line with and under the same conditions as other jurisdictions.

15.    Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McCaw, seconded by Councillor Mulholland, referred from Council Meeting held 4 August 2020

‘Council notes with concern the rise in the amount of litter in the Borough over the previous months, in particular the effect this has on the natural environment and on our reputation as a tourism destination. Therefore, Council tasks officers to develop a comprehensive Litter Strategy for the Borough, to incorporate a review of the litter infrastructure, lifting and disposal of waste, education and engagement with the community and local stakeholders. Council officers should use best practice from other Council areas across the UK and Ireland as a blueprint for this.’

IN COMMITTEE (Items 16-22 inclusive)

16.    Street Trading (report attached)

17.    Procurement of 9 no. 26 tonne GVW Refuse Collection Vehicles (report attached)

18.    Upgrade of Car Parks Phase 4 (report attached)

19.    Knock Road Depot (report attached)

20.    Drumaduff Landfill Site – Fencing Contract (report attached)

21.    Cromie Institute – Update (to follow)

22.    Provision of Waste Services for the Collection, Disposal and Treatment of Hazardous Paints/Varnishes, Non-Hazardous Paints, Vegetable Oil, Engine Oil and other Oils that include: Oily Rags, Oil Filters and Used Engine Oil Containers (report attached)

23.    Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))