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Environmental Services Committee Meeting 13th October 2020 7PM

Environmental Services Committee

Date: Tuesday, 13th October 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 8 September 2020 (summary attached)

FOR DECISION (Items 4-11 inclusive)

4.  Grant of Approval of a Premises as a Venue for Civil Marriage and Civil  Partnership (report attached)

5.   Grant of Petroleum Spirit Licences (report attached)

6. Building (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 – Consultation      

    Response (report attached)

7. Dual Language Street Signs Applications (report attached)

8. Consultation on Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling in the UK (report attached)

9. Update on Affordable Warmth Scheme (report attached)

10. Feasibility of Purchasing Seabin Equipment for Council Harbour and Marina            

     Facilities (report attached)

11.  Household Recycling Centre Revised Opening Times (report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 12- 19 inclusive)

12. Approval of Premises as a Venue for Civil Marriage (report attached)

13. Approval of Premises as a Venue for Civil Partnership (report attached)

14. Entertainments Licence Renewals (report attached)

15. Licences Issued Under Delegated Authority (report attached)

16. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)

17. Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)

18. Operation Night Safe (report attached)

19. Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 (report attached)

20. Correspondence (report attached)

21.Consultations (report attached)

22. Conferences
23.  Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
24. Notice of Motion Proposed Councillor McCaw, seconded by Alderman Boyle, referred from Council Meeting held 1 September 2020 ‘That this Council sign up to Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful's "Live Here, Love  Here" campaign, in order to become a full participant in its events and grants  programmes in the fields of litter removal, enhancement of green spaces and  biodiversity and improvement of disused or derelict areas.’

25. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Mulholland, seconded by Alderman Fielding, referred from Council Meeting held 6 October 2020. Proposed by Councillor Mulholland seconded by Alderman FieldingThat this Council provides the necessary provision of steps and path access for   “Port na happle” to ensure a safe entry to the swimming facility and for exit out of same. This will ensure that local residents and visitors alike can avail of our natural coastal resources, encouraging health and wellbeing, including mental  health.’


26. Garvagh War Memorial (report attached)

27. Westbay Promenade, Portrush - Resin Bound Surface Reinstatement (report attached)


28.  Period 4 ES Management Accounts (report attached)

29. Period 5 ES Management Accounts (report attached)

30. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))

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