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Leisure & Development Committee Meeting 15th December 2020 7PM

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 15th December 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3.  Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 17th November 2020 (summary attached).

FOR DECISION (Items 4-12 inclusive)

4. Tourism Events Recovery Fund (To follow)
5. Carrick Dhu Touring Pitches (Report attached)
6. Portnahapple, Portstewart (Report attached)
7. Aghadowey Play Park (Report attached)
8. Cloughmills Pitch Project (Report attached)
9. Larchfield Play Park (Report attached)
10. Enterprise Fund (Report attached)
11. Digital Strategy (Report attached)
12. Portrush Harbour Public Realm (Report attached)

12.1 Addendum FFNI Contract (Report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 13-15 inclusive)  

13. Rural Business Development Grant (Report attached)
14. DfC Anti-Poverty Funding Update (Report attached)
15. Inclusive Beach Project Portrush (Report attached)
16. Correspondence (Report attached)
17. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
18. Consultations (Report attached)


19. Changing Places Limavady Tender Report (Report attached).
20. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)

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