Leisure & Development Committee Meeting 17th November 2020 7PM
Leisure and Development Committee
Declarations of Interest
Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 20th October 2020 (summary attached).
FOR DECISION (Items 4-8 inclusive)
RVLC Gym Investment Business Case (Report attached)
Community Development Strategy (Report attached)
Advice Services Contract (Report attached)
Economic Development Strategy (Report attached)
Alchemy Programme (Report attached)
8.1 ADDENDUM - Festive Fund Report November 2020 (Report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 9-15 inclusive) -
APSE Benchmarking Position (Report attached)
Destination Management Website Development (Report attached)
COVID Funding Summary (Report attached)
DfC Anti-Poverty Funding Update (Report attached)
Community Centre Strategy (Report attached)
Coleraine Bomb Memorial (Report attached)
COVID 19 Facilities Update (Report attached) 15.1 ADDENDUM - Community Planning inc Education Authority Youth Voice (report attached )
16.1. ADDENDUM Correspondence (Report attached)
17. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel.
18 Consultations
19. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Callan, seconded by Councillor Scott referred from 3 November 2020 Council Meeting
That this Council calls for areas within Causeway Coast and Glens Council to be included within the €5 million North West Development Fund to benefit local economic growth, trade and investment, physical environment and community wellbeing.
20. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Peacock, seconded by Councillor Nicholl, referred from 3 November 2020 Council Meeting
That this council reviews the application process for council and community grant funding with a view to streamlining the process and ensuring easier access for community organisations. Community Organisations across Causeway Coast and Glens report that our Community grant funding process is extremely demanding and time consuming for often very little sums of money. Our Community Organisations across the area are invaluable to the prosperity of Causeway Coast and Glens and its people and are run by dedicated community volunteers who already have significant demands placed upon them. Council Community Grants should not be a significant burden to these volunteers who give their time and energy to making this a better place to live and we as a Council should be doing all we can to support them.
20.1 ADDENDUM - Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Mulholland, seconded by Councillor McCaw, deferred from the 18th March 20, the 15th September and the 20th October 20 Leisure and Development Committee Meetings.
This council notes the contribution that young people make to community and civic life in Causeway, Coast and Glens; encourages schools, youth groups and community organisations to become more involved in the life of local government and; resolves to establish a Youth Shadow Council to enhance civic engagement and improve public services that affect young people across this new Council Borough.
21. Holiday and Leisure Parks Rates 2021-22 (Report attached)
22. Holiday and Leisure Parks Authority to Purchase (Report attached)
23. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)