CANCELLED - Planning Committee 25th March 2020 - CANCELLED
Planning Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of meeting held Wednesday 26 February 2020 (attached)
4. Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
5. Schedule of Applications:
5.1 Major LA01/2019/0525/F Lands adjacent and North of Eoghan Rua GAC 101 Agherton Lane, Portstewart (report attached)
5.2 Major LA01/2017/0905/F Land between 55 Loguestown Road and 122 Atlantic road, Portrush (report attached)
5.3 Council LA01/2018/1193/F Old Life Boat Shelter, Ramore Avenue, Portrush (report attached)
5.4 Council LA01/2018/1184/LBC Old Life Boat Shelter, Ramore Avenue, Portrush (report attached)
5.5 Objection LA01/2018/0134/F Lands 6 Metres South of 43 Ballyclogh Road, Bushmills (report attached)
5.6 Objection LA01/2019/0281/F Land at Asda, 1 Ring Road, Coleraine (report attached)
5.7 Objection LA01/2019/0182/F 24m NE of 50/51 Kerr Street, Portrush (report attached)
5.8 Referral LA01/2018/1497/F 118 Drumcroon Road, Blackhill, Coleraine (report attached)
5.9 Referral LA01/2019/0381/O 80 Metres North West of 83 Muldonagh Road, Claudy (report attached)
5.10 Referral LA01/2019/0861/O Land immediately North East of 150 Torr Road, Cushendun (report attached)
5.11 Referral LA01/2019/0383/O Between 15 and 17 Mostragee Road, Stranocum, Ballymoney (report attached)
5.12 Referral LA01/2019/0416/O 56m NW of 42 Bregagh Road, Armoy (report attached)
5.13 Referral LA01/2019/0755/O Between 42 & 56 Drumsurn Road Limavady (report attached)
5.14 Referral LA01/2019/0990/F Adjacent to 66 Coolessan Walk, Limavady (report attached)
5.15 Referral LA01/2019/0818/O Land adjacent to ‘The Whins’, 58 Straid Road, Ballycastle (report attached)
6. Development Management:
6.1 Update on Development Management and Enforcement Statistics 01/04/19 – 30/01/20 (report attached)
7. Development Plan:
7.1 Local Development Plan Update (verbal)
8. Correspondence
8.1 Derry City & Strabane District Council Letter Acknowledgement of Reps to dPS & Notification of Counter Representation Consultation (attached)
8.2 Derry City & Strabane District Council Letter Advising Availability of dPS Reps for Viewing (attached)
8.3 Fermanagh & Omagh District Council – Local Development Plan 2030 Revised Timetable (attached)
8.4 NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme (NICCAP2) 2019-2024 (attached)
8.5 Correspondence regarding Broomhill Park, Coleraine (attached)
9. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))
9.1 Update on New NI Planning Portal (to follow)
9.2 Planning Department Budget Update – Period 10 (report attached)