Planning Committee 25th November 2020 2pm
Planning Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 23 September 2020 and reconvened on 28 October 2020 (to follow)
4. Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 28 October 2020 at 2pm (to follow)
5. Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
6. Schedule of Applications:
6.1 Major LA01/2018/1106/F Unit 17 and adjoining land, Riverside Regional Centre, Castleroe Road, Coleraine (report attached) (Addendum 3 attached)
6.2 Council LA01/2020/0799/F Bushmills Visitor Information Centre, 44 Main Street, Bushmills (report attached)
6.3 Council LA01/2020/0235/F, West Bay, Portrush (report attached) (Addendum attached)
6.4 Council LA01/2019/0915/F 46m SE from Dungiven Castle145 Main Street, Dungiven (report attached)
6.5 Objection LA01/2019/0182/F 24m NE of 50/51 Kerr Street, Portrush (report attached) (Addendum 2 attached) (Erratum attached)
6.6 Objection LA01/2019/0936/F 9 Blackrock Road, Portrush (report attached) (Addendum attached)
6.7 Objection LA01/2019/0281/F Land at Asda, 1 Ring Road, Coleraine (report attached) (Addendum 4 attached) (Erratum attached) (Site Visit report attached)
6.8 Referral LA01/2020/0066/F, 160 Carrowclare Road, Limavady (report attached) (Erratum attached)
6.9 Referral LA01/2019/0990/F Adjacent to 66 Coolessan Walk, Limavady (report attached)
6.10 Referral LA01/2017/0650/O Between 38 & 42 Loughermore Road, Dunbrock, Ballykelly (report attached)
6.11 Referral LA01/2019/0616/O Lands 78m South West of No 40 Scotchtown Road, Limavady (report attached)
6.12 Referral LA01/2019/0532/F Approx 130m West of 25 Knocknougher Road, Coleraine (report attached) (Addendum attached)
6.13 Referral, LA01/2019/0528/F, Approx 375 West of 25 Knocknougher Road, Macosquin, Coleraine (report attached)
6.14 Referral, LA01/2019/1029/F, 114 Seacon Road, Ballymoney (report attached)
7. Development Management:
7.1 Update on Development Management and Enforcement Statistics 01/04/20 –31/09/20 (report attached)
8. Development Plan:
8.1 LDP Update (Verbal)
8.2 LDP – Retail Capacity Assessment – Update 2020 (report attached)
8.3 DFC – Proposed Listings (report attached)
Mill House, 64 Baranailt Road, Limavady, BT49 9HN;
Dromore Mills (lower mill complex – corn mill, kiln, seed house, porch, store and associated waterworks), 64 Baranailt Road, Limavady, BT49 9HN;
Dromore Mills (flax and corn mill and associated waterworks), 64 Baranailt Road, Limavady, BT49 9HN; and
Fisherman’s House, Carrick-A-Rede, Ballintoy, Ballycastle.
9. Correspondence
9.1 DCSDC – Draft PS – Reconsultations – Councils response (attached)
9.2 MUDC – Letter to Council – Re: Availability of dPS Reps (attached)
9.3 NI Audit Office – Letter to DFI Permanent Secretary (attached)
9.4 SONI Consultation on Draft Transmission Development Plan 2020-29 (attached)
10. Confidential Items
10.1 Planning Department Budget Period 1-6 Update (report attached)
10.2 Planning Risk Assessment (attached)
11. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o)