Planning Committee 28th October 2020 2pm
Planning Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 26 August 2020 and reconvened 17 September 2020 (summary attached)
4. Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
5. Schedule of Applications:
5.1 Major, LA01/2018/1106/F, Unit 17 and adjoining land, Riverside Regional Centre, Castleroe Road, Coleraine (report attached) (Addendum)
5.2 Major, LA01/2018/0305/F, 26 & 30 Garvagh Road Kilrea (report attached) (addendum attached) (Addendum 2) (Erratum)
5.3 Major, LA01/2019/1101/F, Former sand and gravel pit, SE of 9 Boyd's Road and 75m east of 66 Anticur Road, Dunloy (report attached)
5.4 Council, LA01/2020/0143/F, Council Space at the playpark, The Crescent, Portstewart approx 110m West of Portstewart Town Hall, Portstewart (report attached)
5.5 Council, LA01/2020/0738/F, Public footpath adjacent to 106 Main Street, Dungiven (report attached)
5.6 Objection, LA01/2018/1563/F, Lands 140m N of 8 Barley Hill, Limavady (report attached) (Addendum)
5.7 Objection, LA01/2018/0864/F, Lands at 11-15 (including adjoining units) Circular Road, 23-25 Queen Street and part of existing car park at The Mall, Coleraine (report attached)
5.8 Objection, LA01/2019/0830/F, Nos. 55 and 57 Causeway Street, Portrush (report attached) (site visit report attached)
5.9 Objection, LA01/2019/0016/F, Land immediately south of Ramore Green Apartments 158a Main Street, Portrush (known as Nos. 154 and 156 Lower Main Street, Portrush) (report attached)
5.10 Referred LA01/2019/1103/F, 1 Redlands Crescent Coleraine (report attached) (site visit report attached)
6. Development Management:
6.1 Update on Development Management and Enforcement Statistics 01/04/20 –31/09/20 (report attached)
6.2 Northern Ireland Planning Statistics – First quarter Statistical Report (report attached)
7. Development Plan:
7.1 LDP Update (Verbal)
8. Correspondence:
8.1 Notice of Opinion from DFI for applications LA01/2017/0250/LBC, LA01/2017/0251/F, LA01/2017/1287/F & LA01/2017/1289/LBC – Adelphi Hotel, 67 – 71Main Street, Portrush (attached)
8.2 NI Audit Office – Review of Planning in Northern Ireland (attached)
8.3 DC&S DC – Letter to Council – Draft Plan Strategy – Statutory Consultation – Notification of re-consultation (attached)
8.4 FODC – Letter to Council – Draft Plan Strategy – Proposed Changes (Error & re-consultation) (attached)
8.5 FODC – Letter to Council – Draft Plan Strategy (attached)
9. Planning Department Budget Period 1-5 Update (report attached)
10. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))