Planning Committee Meeting Thursday 24th March 2022 at 2 pm
Planning Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 23 February 2022 (attached)
4. Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
5. Schedule of Applications:
5.1 B/2012/0218/F 300m South East Of 76 Altagarron Road, Dungiven (report attached)
5.2 LA01/2019/0890/F Existing Rigged Hill Windfarm site, 6km East/South East of Limavady (report attached) (Addendum 5 attached) (Objection O Harper 22.03.22 attached) (Objection G McQuiston 20.03.22 attached) (Objection G McQuiston 21.03.22 attached) (Objection L McLaughlin 16.03.22 attached) (Objection O Harper 21.03.22 attached)
5.3 LA01/2021/0934/F Council space at the playpark, The Crescent Portstewart approx 110m west of Portstewart Town Hall (report attached)
5.4 LA01/2021/0681/F Gaelscoil Leim An Mhadaidh, 57 Church Street Limavady (report attached) (Site Visit report attached)
5.5 LA01/2020/1330/F 38 Seafield Park, Portstewart (report attached)
5.6 LA01/2020/1154/F Unit 2, 25 Ballymena Road, Ballymoney (report attached)
5.7 LA01/2020/0498/O Lands 130m West of 57 Sheskin Road, Greysteel with access onto Upper Lane Road (report attached) (Addendum attached) (Site Location Map 18.03.22 attached) (Site visit report attached) (correspondence from Agent attached)
5.8 LA01/2020/0156/F 99 Dowland Road, Limavady (report attached)
5.9 LA01/2020/0823/F Land West of No. 157 Feigh Road, Feigh Upper Bushmills (report attached)
5.10 LA01/2021/1027/O 50m East of 16 Cloughs Road, Cushendall (report attached)
5.11 LA01/2020/0293/F 10 Ballyquin Road, Limavady (report attached) (Erratum attached)
6. Correspondence:
6.1 DfC - Housing Supply Consultation – Council’s Response (attached)
6.2 DfC - Call-In on Planning and Other Regulatory Decisions (attached)
6.3 DfI - Standing Orders of Councils and Implications of the ‘Hartlands Case’ (attached)
6.4 DfI – Planning Forum Action Update (attached)
6.5 DfI – s26 Determination Letter Townlands of Carnbuck, Magheraboy and Moneyneagh, near Corkey (attached)
6.6 Tranmission Development Plan NI 2021 – 2030 Consultation – Council’s Response (attached)
6.7 DfI – End of the Emergency Period (Development Management (Temporary Modifications) (Coronavirus) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (attached)
7. Confidential Items:
7.1 Report for Noting Finance Period 1-10 2021 22 Update (report attached)
7.2 Update on Legal Issues
8. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))