
Planning Committee

Date: Wednesday, 28 Aug 2024 Time: 9:30 AM


1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held 22 May 2024 (copy attached
4. Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
5. Local Development Plan (LDP):
    5.1 Quarterly Verbal Update (verbal)
    5.2 6 month Indicative LDP Work Programme (Jul – Dec 2024) – (report attached)
6. Correspondence: 
    6.1 DfI – PAN – Glenhead Wind Farm (copy attached
    6.2 DfC – Confirmation of Listing – East Gate Lodge to Ballylough House, Bushmills (copy attached)
    6.3 DfC – Confirmation of Listing – Railway Tunnel, Islandarragh Road, Ballycastle (copy attached)
    6.4 DfI – NI Homeless Bullentin – Oct 23 – Mar 24 (copy attached)
    6.5 Council Response – NI Active Travel Plan – SEA Scoping Report (copy attached)
7. Reports 
    7.1 Advance Notice of Listings – Moyarget Lodge, 98 Moyarget Road, Ballycastle and Carey House, 142 Cushendall Road, Ballyvoy (to follow)
    7.2 BT Consultation on removal of 18 no public payphones (report attached
    7.3 NIHE – Commissioning Prospectus (report attached)
    7.4 Finance Report – Period 1-12 2023/24 (report attached
8. Confidential Items:
    8.1 Update on Legal Issues (verbal)
9. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))

Councillor Nicholl
Concern has been raised around deferral of planning applications to committee and the limiting of elected members choice to defer applications for democratic review. Wish to raise the concern and ask around a review of the Planning Committee’s scheme of delegation to ensure members have the ability to refer applications effectively.

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