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The Annual Meeting 8 June 2020

Full Council

Date: Monday, 8th June 2020 Time: 07:00 PM


  1. Apologies

  2. Outgoing Mayor’s Address

  3. Declarations of Interest

  4. Positions of Responsibility Year 2 (schedule attached for information)

  5. Incoming Mayor’s Address

  6. Committee Allocations
    Appointments to Committees (schedule attached for information)

  7. Appointments to Partnerships, External Bodies (schedule attached for information)

    Addendum In Committee

  8. Legal Opinion In The Matter of a Call In Request in Respect of a Decision of The Council Dated 12th May 2020 in relation to the Decision to furlough certain Council employees

    “Subject to the agreement, from the individual member of staff, Council proceeds to furlough eligible employees, who are normally employed in a facility or service area that has ceased to operate, is unable to work from home and is not redeployed to another function within Council at 80% of their salary." (Legal Opinion attached)

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