Tuesday 1 August 2023 The Council Meeting
Full Council
1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies
3. Declaration of Members’ Interests
4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Thursday 29 June 2023 (copy attached)
5. Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 28 June 2023 (copy attached)
6. Public Authority Statutory Equality and Good Relations Duties Annual Progress Report 2022-23 (report attached)
7. Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel
8. Conferences
9. Correspondence (report attached)
10. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
11. Seal Documents
(i) Grave Registry Certificates, No’s 5616 to 5637;
(ii) Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme Armoy Play Area, Church Road – Deed Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Richard Stuart of Garden Escapes (Ireland) Ltd (Ref L&D 230418 / CM 230524);
(iii) Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme Mosside Community Centre Refurbishments – Deed Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and JPM Contracts (Ref L&D 230418 / CM 230524).
(iv) Agreement Relating to Advance for Purchase of Car - Ref. 210-5189
12. ‘Call In’ of the Council Decision of 7 February 2023 regarding the NI 100 Stained Glass Window for Coleraine Town Hall
RESOLVED - That Council approve Option 1 – To agree to proceed with the manufacture of the Stained Glass Window as per current design.