Tuesday 11 June 2024 Environmental Services Committee
Environmental Services Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of previous meeting held Tuesday 14 May 2024 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Items 4 – 8 inclusive)
4. Caravan Licencing Report (report attached)
5. Entertainment Licencing Report (report attached)
6. The Shops (Sunday Trading etc) (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 – Request to Designate Towns as “Holiday Resorts” (report attached)
7. Waste Management Plan Addendum (report attached)
8. CEF ToR adoption Report (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 9 – 17 inclusive)
9. Cinema Licence Renewals (report attached)
10. Entertainment Licence Renewals (report attached)
11. Licences & Registrations Issued Under Delegated Authority (report attached)
12. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)
13. Dangerous Dogs – New Legislative Controls for XL Bully Dogs (report attached)
14. Waste Data Return - October to December 2023 (report attached)
Addendum Update to Members on the changes at Household Recycling Centres (Verbal)
15. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
16. Consultations – Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in NI (report attached)
17. Correspondence (report attached)
FOR DECISION IN COMMITTEE (Items 18 - 21 inclusive)
18. Request for Additional Resources & Revised Structure for Health & Built Environment Section (report attached)
19. Funding offer from Department of Business & Trade 2024-2025 (report attached)
20. Provision for the Receipt and Processing of NWRWMG Local Authority Collected Kerbside Recyclables (report attached)
21. Estates fleet 2024/2025 requirements (to follow)
FOR INFORMATION IN COMMITTEE (Items 22 - 23 inclusive)
22. Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)
23. North West Region Waste Management Group (NWRWMG) – Joint Committee Minutes (report attached)
24. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (0))
Alderman McAuley
Can the Environmental Services directorate please provide an update on the Concessionary Trading sites with regards planning and upcoming auction(s).