Tuesday 12th January 2021 Environmental Services Meeting
Environmental Services Committee
Declarations of Interest
Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 8 December 2020 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Items 4-7 inclusive)4. Entertainments Licensing Report (report attached)
5. Response to FSA Consultation: Review of the Food Law Code of Practice, Food Law Practice Guidance, and implementation of the Competency Framework (report attached)
6. Extension of PHA Contract, AP/N/03 Accident Prevention and IFH/N/03, Energy Efficiency Advice Service (report attached)
7. Affordable Warmth Service Level Agreement 2020-2021 (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 8 – 14 inclusive)
8. Entertainments Licence Renewals (report attached)
9. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)
10.Society Lottery Registration (report attached)
11. Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)
12. Green Dog Walkers - Responsible Dog Ownership (report attached)
13. Street Trading Licence Information (report attached)
14. The Shops (Sunday Trading etc) (Northern Ireland) Order 1997. Temporary Extension of Sunday Trading Hours (report attached)
15. Correspondence (report attached)
16. Consultations (report attached)
17. Conferences
18. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel
19. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor MA McKillop seconded by Councillor Beattie, referred from 5 January 2021 Council Meeting
That this council acknowledges the amount of dog fouling across the borough and pledges to sign up for the Green Dog Walkers Scheme to encourage all dog walkers to clean up after their pets.
IN COMMITTEE (Items 20 – 22 inclusive)
20. Disposal of Surplus Assets – Redundant Glenariff Forest Toilet (report attached)
21. Council Strategic Waste Management Arrangements: Update (report attached)
22. Period 8 ES Management Accounts (report attached)
23. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))