Tuesday 14 May 2024 Environmental Services Committee
Environmental Services Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of previous meeting held Wednesday 17 April 2024 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Items 4 – 8 inclusive)
4. Entertainments Licensing Report (report attached)
5. Lammas Fair Street Trading Applications (report attached)
6. Proposals to use New Provisions to deal with Illegal Deposition of Waste (Fly Tipping) (report attached)
7. Purchase of Replacement Vehicle (report attached)
8. Environmental Services Business Plans 2024/25 (to follow)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 9 – 16 inclusive)
9. Approval of Premises as a Venue for Civil Marriage (report attached)
10. Approval of Premises as a Venue for Civil Partnership (report attached)
11. Entertainment Licence Renewals (report attached)
12. Licences Issued Under Delegated Authority (report attached)
13. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)
14. What’s on the Children’s Menu - Research into Children’s Meals Served in Restaurants in Northern Ireland
(report attached)
15. Dog Control Information (report attached)
16. Litter Strategy / LitterSmart Action Plan – Update (report attached)
17. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
18. Consultations
19. Correspondence (report attached)
FOR DECISION IN COMMITTEE (Items 20 - 21 inclusive)
20. Increase in Fees for Car Park Enforcement Contract (report attached)
21. Coleraine Marina Economic Appraisal (report attached)
22. Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)
23. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (0))
Councillor McShane
To request that the Department for Infrastructure carries out a needs analysis of EV charging points across all 11 Council areas.
Alderman Stewart
As a Resident of Portstewart, I was delighted that our town was named best place to live in Northern Ireland by the Sunday Times 'Best places to Live 2024' list.
As council, we should mark this honour.
I therefore propose that we place signs acknowledging this at each entry to Portstewart.