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Tuesday 17 October 2023 Leisure and Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 17th October 2023 Time: 07:00 PM


1.  Apologies
2.  Declarations of Interest
3.  Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee meeting held Tuesday 19th September 2023 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Items 4-8 inclusive)
4.  Grants Policy Annual Review (Report attached)
5.  Landfill Community Fund Annual Review (Report attached)
6.  Festive Fund Grant Awards (Report attached)
7.  ORNI Peace Plus Walking Project (Report attached)
8.  Foreign Direct Investment Action Plan (Report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 9-15 inclusive)
9.  Labour Market Partnership Annual Report (Report attached)
10. Coleraine Revitalise Update (Report attached)
11. Digital Transformation Flexible Fund (Report attached)
12. Portrush Harbour & Kerr Street EIS (Report attached)
13. NI Entrepreneurship Support Scheme Agreement (Report attached)
14. Landfill Community Fund Grant Awards (Report attached)
15. Halloween Event Coleraine (Report attached)
16. Correspondence 
17. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
18. Consultations
19. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor C Archibald, seconded by Councillor McShane
This Council recognises and values the huge contribution our LGBTQIA+ citizens make to the area and rejects all forms of discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community.  
Takes note of the first Causeway Pride event which was a significant and positive initiative for the north coast. 
As a statement of our solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ citizens and community and as a show of positive and progressive change this Council commits to supporting the organisation of an annual Pride parade. 
And calls on Council to engage with the Causeway Pride Committee, other relevant groups and organisations to work collectively on the organisation of a parade or pride festival.

20. Growth Deal EPB Minutes (attached)
21. SSRP Active Travel Garvagh Paths Tender (Report attached)
22. SSRP Magilligan MUGA Tender (Report attached)
23. Ballycastle Museum Repairs (Report attached)
24. Museum Storage (Report attached)
25. SWB Essential Maintenance (Report attached)
26. Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre Essential Work (Report attached)
27. CLC Filter Refurbishment Tender (Report attached)
28. Ballycastle Leisure Centre (Report attached)
29. Growth Deal (Report attached)
30. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)

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