Tuesday 18 March 2025 Leisure and Development Committee
Leisure and Development Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee meeting held Tuesday 18th February 2025 (summary attached)
4. Presentation – Hazel Bay Company Limited
FOR DECISION (Item 5-10 inclusive)
5. Community Development Support Grant 2025-26 Assessment Report (report attached)
6. Community Festivals Fund 2025-26 Assessment Report (report attached)
7. Culture, Arts & Heritage Fund 2025-26 (report attached)
8. Go Succeed (report attached)
9. Tourism Event Funding Programme (TEFP) – Growth & Large Events Fund 2025-2026 (report attached)
10. Electrical Repairs – Juniper Hill Holiday and Leisure Park (report to follow)
Addendum - Correspondence (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Item 11-12 inclusive)
11. DfC Social Supermarket Support Fund (report attached)
12. Sperrin Partnership Project (report attached)
13. Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman Boyle, seconded by Councillor McCully referred from Council held 4 February 2025
This Council recognises the importance of the Riverside Theatre as vital for the local arts and community sector; reaffirms its position that the theatre should remain in operation as a valuable cultural asset in the Borough; and agrees to write to the Vice-Chancellor and the Minister for the Economy, affirming our position and seeking urgent clarity on the future of the theatre.
14. Tender report Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme (CRSSRP) – Bushmills Signage (report attached)
15. Council Managed Events 2025/26 – External Services Procurement Atlantic Sessions (report attached)
16. Council Managed Events 2025/26 – External Services Procurement – Contract Extensions (report attached)
17. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)
Alderman Callan
1. Update from The Open Project Manager on the current preparation and work underway for the 153rd Open in July.
2. Invest NI Council Briefing Feb 25 - Overview of the current performance of our economy.
3. Update on the development of a Tourism Strategy.
Councillor Stirling
1.Following the success of last year's Airshow, I would like to request a review of its execution and the development of plans for future events.