Tuesday 19 December 2023 Leisure and Development Committee
Leisure and Development Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee meeting held Tuesday 21st November 2023 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Items 4 - 5 inclusive)
4. Tourism Events Programme 2024 – 25 (Report attached)
5. Community Development Strategy (Report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 6 - 9 inclusive)
6. Leisure & Development 6-month Performance Review (Report attached)
7. Correspondence (attached)
8. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
9. Consultations (attached)
10. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McQuillan, seconded by Councillor Peacock
I propose a motion that in line with sport and wellbeing that a grant programme is created to encourage and facilitate local sporting organisations to specifically help the mental health and wellbeing in the causeway coast and glens area.
I propose the grant and funding unit look into the expense of the creation of this grant. Already partnering with the trust on various mental health projects this would broadening our outreach.
11. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Holmes, seconded by Alderman Knight-McQuillan, Councillor C Archibald, Councillor Bateson and Councillor Huggins
Garvagh Development Trust was established in 1997 as a registered charity and owns and runs the B1 listed GADDA building at 85 Main Street, Garvagh. The building acts as a community hub, directly employing 8 people and a total of 33 people work in the various businesses located within the premises and 400 people use the building weekly. Recently GDT ran the successful Forestry School.
GDT now find themselves in a critical financial situation due to loss in funding sources, grant income and rising costs, particularly in relation to power, oil and insurance.
The business model needs to be urgently reviewed but to give them the space to do this they need a cash injection.
This motion requests a £20,000 loan be provided to GDT and delegates authority to officers to agree interest rate, repayment terms and security. A business recovery plan should be presented to officers and councillors within 3 months of this council meeting.
12. Cloughmills Pitch Project (Report attached)
13. Jim Watt Sports Centre (Report attached)
14. Ballymoney’s Accessible Heritage Journey Project Tender (Report attached)
15. Ballymoney EI Tender (Report attached)
16. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)