Tuesday 21st December 2021 Leisure & Development Meeting
Leisure and Development Committee
Addendum Notification
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 16th November 2021 (summary attached)
4. Members will receive a presentation from Causeway Association of Urban Sports.
5. Members will receive a presentation from Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust.
FOR DECISION (Items 6-14 inclusive)
6. Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust (Report attached)
7. Green Lane Museum (Report attached)
8. Millburn Community Centre (Report attached)
9. DfC Social Supermarkets and Access to Food (Report attached)
10. Covid Recovery Small Settlement Programme (Report attached)
11. Town Centre Perception Surveys (Report attached)
12. Banagher Glen (Report attached)
13. West Bay Permissive Path Agreement (Report attached)
14. Andrew Bonar Law Project (Report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 15-17 inclusive)
15. Ballycastle Museum (Report attached)
16. CLC and Ballycastle OBC Update (Report attached)
17. Town Centre Regeneration Plans (Report attached)
18. Correspondence
19. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
20. Consultations
21. Public Rights of Way (Report attached)
22. Air Show Update (Report attached)
23. RVLC Water Storage Tender (Report attached)
24. Visitor Guide 2022 (Report attached)
Addendum - Essential Maintenance and New Infrastructure Requirements for Holiday and Leisure Parks (report attached)
25. Prosperity and Place Organisational Design (Report attached)
26. Events Team Organisational Design (Report attached)
27. Metropole Park Lease Request (Report attached)
28. L&D ZBB Position 2022/23 (Report attached)
29. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)