Tuesday 26th January 2021 Corporate Policy & Resources Meeting
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
Declarations of Interest
Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 3 November 2020 (summary attached)
Final Draft Corporate Strategy (report attached) (Appendix 1 to follow) John O’Neill – Venturei in attendance to present
5. Causeway Community Plan Update (report attached)
6. Council Constitution - Review and Amendments (report attached)
7. Perform Software (report attached)
8. Woman’s Working Group (notes to follow)
9. Elected Member Development Working Group (notes to follow)
10. Customer Services Charter (report attached)
11. Scheme of Allowances (report attached)
12. Prompt Payment Statistics (to follow)
13. The Association of Public Sector Excellence (APSE) Performance Benchmarking (report attached v2)
14. Conferences
15. Correspondence
16. Consultations
17. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
18. Debt Management (report attached)
18.1 Debt Recovery Case (report attached)
19. Minutes of Land and Property Sub-Committee Meeting held Wednesday 6 January 2021 (attached)
20. Corporate Services Directorate Estimates 2021-22 – Workshop held 14th January 2021 (presentation attached)
21. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))