Tuesday 27 June 2023 Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Terms of Reference (report attached)
4. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 20 April 2023 (summary attached)
5. Performance Improvement Objectives 2022/23 update (report attached)
6. Request to host a NILGA Executive Meeting (report attached)
7. Request from Zomba Action Project to fund a Delegation meal in Zomba (report attached)
8. Annual Battle of the Somme Remembrance Parade and Service at Knockagh (report attached)
9. Rural Needs Annual Report (report attached)
10. Business Plans
10.1 Policy and Community Planning (report attached)
10.2 OD/HR (report attached)
10.3 Democratic and Central Services (report attached)
10.4 Performance (report attached)
11. Land and Property Report
11.1 Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme (CRSSRP) for the settlements of Gortnaghey (report attached)
12. Conferences
12.1 NILGA Regional Induction Programme (report attached)
13. Consultations
14. Correspondence
15. Matters for Reporting to the Partnership Panel
16. Leisure VAT claim (report attached)
17. Procurement reports
17.1 Firewall Security ICT (report to follow)
17.2 OD/HR Renewals (report to follow)
18. Minutes of the Land and Property Sub Committee meeting held Wednesday 7 June 2023 (attached)
18.1 Use of a Room Within a Council Building – Bereaved by Suicide Service (Minute Ref: Item 6 Request for Use of Council Land/ 6.1 Request to Use Council Land / (i) Reference – 09/23) (report attached)
19. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))
Councillor McShane (Recommended for Confidential Consideration)
That Council look into who has responsibility for maintenance of the pathway between Coleraine Road and Ramoan Road, Ballycastle.