
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 28 May 2024 Time: 7:00 PM


1.     Apologies

2.     Declarations of Interest

3.      Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 23 April 2024 (summary attached)

 4.     Minutes of the Implementation Oversight Panel meeting held Monday 13 May 2024 (minutes attached)

 5.     2024/25 Improvement Objectives Consultation Update (report attached)

 6.     Improvement Objectives 2023-24 Update (report attached)

 7.     Council Provision of Defibrillators (report attached)

 8.     Town Hall Usage (report attached)

 9.     Third Quarterly Report on Planning Performance 23 -24 (report attached)

 10.   D-Day 80 Anniversary (report attached)

 11.   108th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme (report attached)

 12.   Conferences

 13.    Consultation     

 14.   Correspondence (report attached)

 15.    Matters for Reporting to the Partnership Panel

 16.    Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Watton, Seconded by Councillor Wilson, referred from Council Meeting held 7 May 2024

           That this Council lobbies the N.I Housing Executive to increase the temporary accommodation available in this Borough.  Frequently over the last six months there has not been a single bed available for local people.


 17.   Cyber-Security Firewall Subscriptions Renewal (report attached)

 18.   Populating the Organisation Structure (report attached)

 19.   D1 2208/24 - 86 Main Street, Limavady – Letter of Support (report to follow)

 20.   Minutes of the Land and Property Sub Committee meeting held Wednesday 1 May 2024 (to follow)

 21.   Transformation Programme – Record Keeping and Information Management (report to follow)

 22.   Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))

Alderman Fielding

(1) What efforts are being made to prioritise outstanding planning applications over 24 months?

Listen to this meeting

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