Tuesday 28 November 2023 Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 24 October 2023 (summary attached)
4. D Day 80 Anniversary (report attached)
5. Contributions to Other Bodies (report attached)
6. Request to host NAC (report attached)
7. Community Planning Update (report attached)
8. Performance Section Business Plan 2023/24 Update (report attached)
9. Performance Improvement Objectives 2023/24 Update (report attached)
10. Corporate Services Business Plan 2023/24 Update (report attached)
11. Planning Applications over 12 months and First Quarterly Report on Planning Performance (report attached)
12. Request to fund Zomba expenses (report to follow)
13. Conferences
14. Correspondence
15. Consultation (report attached)
16. Matters for Reporting to the Partnership Panel
17. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Stirling, seconded by Councillor Huggins, referred from Council Meeting 7 November 2023
I call upon this council to submit an application to host Armed Forces Day 2026. This significant event is a great opportunity to show our support and give thanks to our military personnel and families both past and present including our veterans and cadets.
This event will attract thousands of visitors to our Beautiful Borough, supporting our local traders and tourism providers.
18. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Watton, seconded by Councillor Kyle referred from Council Meeting held 7 November 2023
That this Council reinstate the previous policy of full cross party and Independents' attendance at Group Leaders meetings
19. Tender Report Citizens Newsletter (report attached)
20. Corporate Services Management Accounts Month 6 (report attached)
21. Minutes of the Land and Property Sub Committee meeting held Wednesday 1 November 2023 (copy attached)
22. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order