
Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 04 Jun 2024 Time: 7:00 PM


1.    The Mayor’s Business
2.    Apologies 
3.    Declaration of Members’ Interests 
4.    Deputation – NI Water, Dr Steve Blockwell, Head of Investment Management, Engineering & Sustainability Directorate and Angela Halpenny, Head of Environmental Regulation, Engineering & Sustainability Directorate, in attendance  
5.    Minutes of Council Meeting held Monday 7 May 2024 (copy attached)
6.    Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 24 April 2024 (copy attached)
7.    Minutes of Finance Committee meeting held Thursday 9 May 2024 (copy attached
8.    Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 14 May 2024 (redacted copy attached)
9.    Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee meeting held Tuesday 21 May (to follow)
10.  Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee meeting held Tuesday 28 May 2024 (to follow)
11.  Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel
12. Conferences 
13. Correspondence (copy attached)
14. Consultation Schedule (copy attached)
15. Seal Documents
(i)   Grave Registry Certificates, No’s 5787 to 5799 inclusive; 
(ii)   Agreement relating to Car Loan, Employee number 360/5081;
(iii)  Form of Deed, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs - Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme, Drumsurn Community Centre Modular Unit (Design & Build) Option 1, Stage 2 Process – ITT (Ref L&D 240123/CM 240206)
(iv)  Deed of Conveyance – Sale of land at Portrush Road Coleraine (Ref LPSC 231101/CP&R 231128/CM 231205) (Retrospective);
(v)  Deed of Conveyance – Sale of land at Portrush Road Coleraine (LPSC 231101/CP&R 231128/CM 231205) (Retrospective).
16. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Schenning, seconded by Councillor MA McKillop
      Right to Food Motion - This council recognises the impact the scourge of food poverty is having on families right across this area, made worse by the cost of living emergency, and gives its formal backing to the Right To Food campaign, joining cities like Belfast, Derry and Liverpool in becoming a Right To Food Council.  We believe that this Executive and the British Government must prioritise food poverty, implementing a range of new measures including universal free school meals, support for community kitchens and enshrining the Right To Food for all through legislation.  This council will also write to the Minister for Communities, calling for immediate action on the implementation of an anti-poverty strategy.

17. Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman Fielding, seconded by Alderman S McKillop 

That this Council lobbies the LINK Network to request a review and assessment of the community needs in Portstewart for a Banking Hub in the town.

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