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Wednesday 23 August 2023 Planning Committee

Planning Committee

Date: Wednesday, 23rd August 2023 Time: 10:30 AM


1.   Apologies
2.   Declarations of Interest
3.   Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held 28 June 2023 (copy attached)
4.   Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
5.   Schedule of Applications:
5.1 LA01/2023/0325/F (Major) Old Bushmills Distillery Maturation Facility, Lands to the North and East of 30 Haw Road, Bushmills (report attached)
5.2 LA01/2019/1164/F (Major) Erection of 98 units with a mix of detached, semi-detached, terraced & single storey units in a range of 3, 4 & 5 bedroom house types.  Works to include alteration of curtilage and boundary walls/pillars of no. 52 Killane Road to accommodate proposed development access. (report attached) (Addendum) (Erratum)
5.3 LA01/2021/1131/F (Council Interest) Lands 20m south west of 58 Cromore Road and lands 50m south east of 58 Cromore Road,Portstewart (report attached) (Site Visit Report)
5.4 LA01/2020/0559/F (Council Interest) 3 Berne Road, Portstewart (report attached) (correspondence) (additional correspondence from Agent) 
5.5 LA01/2022/0575/F (Council Interest) Adjacent to Shanty, Lansdowne Shelter, Lower Lansdowne Road, Portrush (report attached)
5.6 LA01/2020/0683/O (Referral) Lands approximately 120m South West of 37 Moneyrannel Road, Limavady (report attached) (Addendum 2) (Site Visit Report) (correspondence)
5.7 LA01/2022/1196/O (Referral) Directly Adj to the South of 26 Atlantic Road, Coleraine (report attached) (correspondence)
6.   Correspondence: 
6.1 DfI – Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) -Windyhill Solar Farm (attached)
6.2 Draft County Donegal Development Plan 2024-2030 (attached)
6.3 DC&S DC – Revised LDP Timetable (attached)
6.4 M&EA BC – Pre-adoption Consultation Letter (attached)
6.5 DAERA – Planning Consultations for Agricultural Development (attached)
7    Reports 
7.1 DAERA – Call for evidence on impacts of Air Pollution on the Natural Environment (report attached)
7.2 Planning Department Business Plan 2023/24 (report attached)
7.3 Revised Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee (report attached)
7.4 Terms of Reference (report attached)
8.   Confidential Items:
8.1 Update on Legal Issues 
9.   Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))