
Land and Property Sub Committee

Date: Wednesday, 05 Jun 2024 Time: 7:00 PM


1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair
4. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 1st May 2024 (Summary Attached)
5. Deputation – 26 Extreme, Mr. Ian Cummins in attendance
6.   Transformation Plan – Land & Property 
   6.1 Land and Property Policies and Procedures/Strategy – SIB Update (report to follow) 
   6.2 Transformation Plan - Land & Property Action Plan Update (report to follow)
7.   Annual Report on Land & Property Department (report attached) 
8.   Requests for Use of Council Land
   8.1 Ref 06/24 – Benone Beach – Vintage Motorcycle Event (report attached) 
   8.2 Ref 162/23 – Marathon Event (report attached)
9.   Requests to Purchase/Dispose of Council Land/Property
   9.1 Requests to Purchase Council Land – Quarterly Update (report attached)
   9.2 Coleraine, Laurel Hill – Asset Disposal Update (report to follow)
10. Leases and Licences
   10.1 Leases and Licenses – Renewal of Commercial Leases - Quarterly Update (report attached)
   10.2 Rathlin Island – Lease for Ferry Berth – Crown Estates Lease (report attached)
   10.3 Portstewart, The Crescent – Lease to Native Seafood Ltd. (report to follow)
   10.4 Ballycastle, Temporary Transfer of Council Lands to Red Bull (report to follow)
   10.5 Coleraine, The Diamond Centre – Request for Lease for Museum Storage (report attached)
   10.6 Stranocum Community Centre – Assignment of Shared Management Agreement (report attached)
   10.7 Portrush, Carrick Dhu Caravan Park Shop Unit – Commercial Lease Update (report attached)
   10.8 Portstewart, Juniper Hill Caravan Park Café/shop – New Commercial Lease (report attached)
11.   Legal Issues 
   11.1 Council Title and First Registration – Quarterly Update (report to follow)
   11.2 Limavady, Backburn Path - Rectification of Title (report attached) 
   11.3 Portrush, Commercial Lease of Patio (report to follow)
12.  Correspondence
   12.1 Portrush Heritage Group – Antrim Gardens, Portrush (report attached)

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