This page will be updated with information and links to funding opportunities as and when they arise.
PEACEPLUS Change maker Funding Programme
Groups or organisations can now register online to be kept updated about the programme or can access support at: The PEACEPLUS Change Maker Funding Programme - Co-operation Ireland
A series of ‘Be Ready’ community information events is due to be announced soon - these events will take place across the Programme Area.
Information about the Change Maker Funding Programme is also accessible via the Special EU Programmes Body website at: Change Makers Funds | SEUPB.
For support enquiries our helpdesk is available at
The Honourable Irish Society is a grant-giving body working for the benefit of County Londonderry.
Charitable Grants
The Society evolved into a self-funding, cross-community charitable organisation many years ago and continues to work today for the benefit of the community in County Londonderry.
We welcome applications from individuals and local organisations – from amateur sports and senior citizens clubs; youth groups; community, residents, workers and health associations to schools and other educational bodies – across the entire County. And, for a limited period, in association with The Clothworkers' Company we can offer grants to charities anywhere in Northern Ireland - see the overview page for conditions.
Funding Programmes
Grants are currently limited to £750 max for a group; a 5 year rule applies to repeat applications. Further guidelines and examples can be found on our website. Applications are considered by a Local Advisory Committee meeting 3 times a year, currently in February, June and October. Closing dates for each meeting are normally 5th January, 5th May and 5th September.
In addition we now have a limited amount of funding available for NI charitable projects outside of County Londonderry: £2,000 max size of grant.
For more details and application forms, please visit the website:
Or write to: The Honourable The Irish Society, 54 Castleroe Road, Coleraine BT51 3RL.
Telephone: 028 7034 4796
Look at some of our Grant examples and check the Guidelines to see if you believe the Society could help you or your organisation. Or see details of Recent Grants awarded in the News and Events section. Other sources of funding can also be found in the Northern Ireland Trust Group's Voluntary Action Handbook.
Please follow this link to the website
Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme
The Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme will open a third call for funding applications on 1 November 2023.
The Fund, which comprises assets recovered by the PSNI as the result of criminal investigations, is administered by the Board in line with the Police (Property) Regulations NI 1997.
The Board has agreed a Grant Funding Policy which will ensure available monies are used to benefit projects which deliver tangible benefits. This is in line with our Corporate and Policing Plan commitments to achieving the following 3 key outcomes:
- We have a safe community;
- We have confidence in policing; and
- We have engaged and supportive communities
The Small Grants Scheme offers project funding in the range £1000-£10,000. Applications must demonstrate the following criteria to be eligible for consideration:
- Engagement with the Police Service of Northern Ireland;
- Contribute to community safety/ and or building confidence in policing; and
- Closely aligned towards a charitable purpose.
For more information or to register your interest, just email
Community Gardens Award
Funding to support the development and expansion of gardening projects carried out by local communities.
For more information please go to -
Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland - Community Grants Programme
The funding is intended to support the day-to-day activities of charitable organisations, and new or existing projects. The programme can also support charities in adapting their services to meet the changing needs of communities.
For more information please go to -
National Lottery: Awards for All - Northern Ireland
The funding is intended to support projects that deliver positive outcomes for local communities and meet at least one of the National Lottery Community Fund's priorities.
- Bringing people together and building strong relationships in and across communities.
- Improving the places and spaces that matter to communities.
- Enabling more people to fulfil their potential by working to address issues at the earliest possible stage.
For more information please go to -
National Lottery: Community Fund - Bringing People Together
The programme seeks to fund ideas that enable communities to thrive by creating the conditions, infrastructure and social fabric that enable better and longer lasting ways of bringing people and communities together.
For more information please go to -
Asda Foundation - Empowering Local Communities Grant
Grants are available to community groups in the UK to support a broad range of activities which can contribute towards transforming their community and improving the lives of people in their community.
For more information please go to -
Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership Programme
Building the Community Pharmacy Partnership funding is open to constituted community/voluntary organisations and community pharmacies based in Northern Ireland. Projects must be a partnership between a community/voluntary organisation and a community pharmacy. Either can be the lead applicant but both partners must be named in the application form.
For more information please go to -
Princes Countryside Fund
The Princes Countryside Fund supports projects that will create a long-term difference in rural communities across the UK with grants of up to £25,000 over two years.
For more information please go to -
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust’s UK Grant Programmes
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust is for projects involving removing problems through radical solutions, and not simply about making problems easier to live. Generally, the Trust funds work that is about addressing the root causes of problems rather than delivering services or alleviating immediate needs and recognises that change can take many years to achieve. As a result, the Trust is willing to take the long view and to take risks.
For more information please go to -
Charles Hayward Foundation
The Charles Hayward Foundation (registered charities only) provide both Main Grants (up to £25,000 a year for 1-3 years and Small Grants (up to £7000). Main grants cover Social & Criminal Justice, Heritage & Conservation and Overseas work. Small grants cover Social & Criminal Justice, Heritage & Conservation and Older People.
For more information please go to -
D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust funds UK registered Charities operating in the UK in the fields of the advancement of the arts, health and medical welfare and environmental protection or improvement. Grants are usually in the range £500 - £5,000 and core costs will be considered.
For more information please go to -