Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership – Top Priorities Survey!
As you may be aware Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) has been working to help improve Community Safety and Policing throughout this area. PCSPs are statutory bodies established under the Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 to help make communities safer. As part of the development of a Policing and Community Safety Strategy and Action Plan we are asking you what you think to prioritise what the police should be focusing on and what programmes we should be implementing as a result.
This is a one question survey but the information you provide will be considered by the Partnership along with various other consultations completed in the past two years.
Thank you for your time.
Ald Adrian McQuillan
PCSP Chairperson
See link to survey below.
If you would rather a hard copy please download from:https://www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk/uploads/general/PCSP_Top_Priorities_Survey.docx
Email this to: pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
Or post the hard copy to PCSP, Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council, Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine, BT52 1EY
Protect Your Property
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) and the PSNI are working in partnership with Can Track Global Ltd to electronically monitor and assist in the recovery of stolen property in the Causeway Coast and Glens area. This scheme will provide a significant reduction of £200 towards the cost of a tracker unit and subscription.
Applicants will be marked against a set criteria including crime pattern analysis via the PSNI. Availability of tracker devices is limited.
To apply for the scheme please request a form from pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or call 028 207 62225 for more information. The form is also able to be downloaded below. (Click on the link)
This is a rolling scheme, applications will be assessed monthly. The scheme will close when all devices are allocated.
Makaton Training
ADDITIONAL MAKATON LEVEL ONE COURSES (23rd/24th Sept and 29th/30th Sept)
Due to unprecedented demand for our Makaton courses, the PCSP have organised two additional level one Makaton Training Courses which will take place online (via zoom) from 9.30-1.15pm on the following dates:
* 22rd & 23rd September
* 29th and 30th September
Applicants must be residents of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area
Priority will be given to those from the community voluntary sector as per application form on a first come first serve basis.
If you meet the criteria please complete the attached booking form and return to: pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
Feeling Safe Questionnaire
Tell us what you think about feeling safe in the Causeway Coast and Glens area if you have a disability.
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) want to make sure that everyone feels safe in their community.
We want to give everyone accessible information on how to feel safe. We want to know what makes people with a disability feel safe or unsafe in their community. We want to know how we can help people feel safe in your home or community. If you have a disability or are someone who supports and cares for someone with a disability, we want you to tell us what you think about feeling safe in the Causeway Coast and Glens Area.
You can tell us by completing one of the online questionnaires:
- Fear of Crime Questionnaire for people with disabilities
- Feeling Safe Questionnaire for people who care for someone with a disability
Or if you need an easy read version or help to complete the questionnaire you can contact us by:
- Email: pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
- Phone or Text: 07511046188
- Sign video: www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk/signvideo
The questionnaires will be available between 10th March 2022 and 19th May 2022.
If you or your organisation wish to print and return the attached Easy Read versions, please return them to:
PCSP Fear of Crime Survey
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Sheskburn House
7 Mary Street
County Antrim
BT54 6QH
Focus on Paramilitary Crime Task Force at upcoming PCSP Public Meetings
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership is holding public meetings in Ballymoney and Limavady during December.
The PSNI and the Paramilitary Crime Task Force have been invited to attend as part of plans to give members of the public an opportunity to find out more about their work in the area.
Explaining more, PCSP Chairperson Councillor Darryl Wilson said: “At our last meeting it was agreed that we would invite both the PSNI and PCTF to our upcoming public meetings so that our residents could voice their opinions, share any concerns they might have, and most importantly, ask the questions that matter to them.
“It is very important that we foster confidence in policing throughout our communities, and these type of open engagement opportunities are central to this. I would encourage individuals and community stakeholders to attend these meetings so they can have their say on policing and find out more about what is being done to ensure Causeway Coast and Glens is a safe place for everyone.”
The first public meeting will take place in the Manor Hotel in Ballymoney on Wednesday 1st December. In Limavady, the meeting will be held in Roe Park Resort on Wednesday 8th December. Both events will start with refreshments from 6.30pm.
Questions can be voiced on the night, or alternatively you can submit a written question advance by emailing pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
Local Community Consultation
(Ballymoney and Moyle legacy Council Groups only, due to under representation)
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership is conducting a Community Consultation on Policing.
Is seeking to appoint Community Groups who will act as Community Consultants to run a local event in their area to collect the views of 20 people on policing.
In addition to this, successful groups will be paid £500 on completion of a minimum of 50 online surveys.
Closing date to apply (online only) is Friday 3rd December at 12 Noon.
Use tab 'PCSP Tender Docs' on the left, for more information.
Cllr Darryl Wilson
PCSP Chair
Apply now for Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP positive engagement project
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership has launched a new initiative to support at risk individuals.
Through the engagement programme delivered in partnership with AIMS, grants are available to encourage and support participants to choose a more positive path.
PCSP Chairperson Councillor Darryl Wilson explains: “As part of the PCSP Action Plan for 2021-22, the Partnership has identified a gap in services for those aged 18 and over, who are not eligible for Probation Board or Youth Justice Agency funding. “This intervention project is aimed at individuals who are on the cusp of, or already at, the attention of Police, and will provide grants of up to £500 to help steer them in another direction.“The grants can be used for a variety of measures including training courses or gym membership and AIMS can work with the individual on any other suitable interventions.”
For further information about this project please contact AIMS by emailing aimsproject@hotmail.com or ring Leanne on 07747077945.
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service
Almost 40% of Accidental House Fires Occurred in Homes where People Lived Alone
Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) has revealed that 39% of accidental house fires in the last year occurred in homes where people lived alone.
Tragically, 8 people died in 2020/21 as a result of a fire in the home, compared to 3 the previous year. To date this year, there have already been 4 deaths as a result of a house fire, and this is before the high risk winter period.
These stark statistics have been released as part of North South Fire Safety Week 2021, which begins today. Organised in partnership with the National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management in the Republic of Ireland, Fire Safety Week promotes fire safety in the home, to help prevent fires from happening.
There are a variety of factors that increase the risk of accidental house fires, and these are especially relevant to people who live alone. Some of the most common causes of accidental fires in the home include cooking and electronics, while smoking and being under the influence of drugs and alcohol also increases the risk of an accidental house fire.
People who do not have a working smoke alarm in their home and those with limited mobility are also more at risk, as these factors can impact on their ability to notice a fire, escape quickly and raise the alarm.
Paddy Gallagher, Assistant Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, explains:
“Last year 39% of accidental house fires occurred in homes where the person lived alone. We know that many people are feeling more isolated as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and so this Fire Safety Week I would encourage everyone to safely reconnect with neighbours, family members and friends who are more at risk from fire, especially those who live alone.
“Make sure they have a smoke alarm that they test weekly; that they are aware of the obvious fire dangers in their home; and that they have a fire escape plan if a fire should occur. Please also encourage them to seek advice from us by arranging a free Home Fire Safety Check via our website. By looking out for each other, it helps us all to be Safer Together.”
Health Minister, Robin Swann, said:
“Fire Safety Week is an ideal opportunity to talk to friends, neighbours and family about the dangers of fire in the home, particularly those who live alone. Encourage those you care about to test their smoke alarms and use the free Home Fire Safety Checks available from Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service. The pandemic has highlighted isolation for many people in our society who live alone and still feel very isolated, so make the time and let’s keep everyone safe.”
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP Chair, Councillor Darryl Wilson said:
“I would encourage everyone to be fire safety aware and to make use of the help and advice available from the Fire and Rescue Service. In Fire Safety Awareness Week I would ask everyone to take the opportunity to check their homes and the homes of their loved ones that everything is working and that there is an escape plan in place in the event of a fire.”
Invitation to tender
Causeway Coast & Glens Policing & Community Safety Partnership seeks to appoint a suitable organisation/ individual to:
1.1 Design and deliver a consultation regarding public perception of local policing across Causeway Coast & Glens Borough council area
1.2 Produce a report of the findings and key recommendations that will support increased confidence in policing at a local level.
The study should cover the public’s views and experiences of local policing, explore topical policing issues and offer key recommendations and practical approaches that the PSNI and PCSP could undertake to increase engagement from and confidence among all communities within the borough.
Quotation document must be returned by NOW CLOSED to PCSP, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Rd, Coleraine BT52 1EY. Any submission received after this time will not be accepted
Grant funding for local community initiatives
The new chair of Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) has launched its latest round of grant funding for local community initiatives.
PCSP Chairperson Councillor Darryl Wilson, who took over the role this week, wants to encourage applicants to work with the PCSP to make the Borough a safer place for all.
He said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the previous Chair, Partnership members and PCSP staff for their work throughout the past year.
“Continuing this momentum, I am pleased to launch the new PCSP Grant Programme which will allow people to develop community safety initiatives.
“The PCSP is committed to providing valuable, practical help and I look forward to working with residents, groups and organisations on initiatives that will help address the issues that matter to them including drug abuse, anti-social behaviour, road safety as well as rebuilding confidence in policing in some areas.”
“I hope to see a greater level of engagement in the year ahead and through collaboration create a greater level of understanding and respect to deliver positive results across the area.”
Applications to the PCSP Grant Programme open on Wednesday 7th July 2021 at 9am. Up to £5000 towards eligible costs is available for projects which promote, enhance and develop local community safety initiatives.
The grant programme will prioritise actions on the PCSP’s six strategic themes including early intervention initiatives designed to reduce the risk of individuals, especially young people, entering the criminal justice system, while also reducing opportunities for crime and the fear of crime.
Available to not-for-profit, community and voluntary organisations in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area, the grants are limited to one successful application per year.
More information on eligibility and detailed guidance notes can be found on the online Funding Hub at http://causeway.eformz.info/.
The work of the PCSP is focused on reducing alcohol, drug and substance abuse, lowering anti-social behaviours including noise, vandalism, graffiti and anti-social driving, as well as cutting the level of physical, mental, financial and cyber abuse while increasing the levels of reporting to PSNI and other support agencies.
To discuss your project before submitting an application, please contact PCSP Officer Melissa Lemon on 07523942166 or email melissa.lemon@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk.
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP seeks to address confidence in policing
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership is setting up a new working group as part of its efforts to address confidence in policing.
The issue was identified during the PCSP’s recent Action Planning, and the group will help to ensure a robust approach to a future consultation exercise.
Explaining the development, Councillor Oliver McMullan said: “A number of members within the partnership have expressed concerns about confidence in policing, to the extent that indications show it’s at an all-time low in some areas.
“As Chairman, I find this worrying and it needs to be addressed immediately. A consultation will take place once this new Working Group for PCSP members has been set up.
“The group will come together to agree the aims and objectives of the consultation to ensure that we get the best results from this initiative. As Chair of the PCSP, I recognise the importance of public confidence in policing so that they can carry out their responsibilities and duties effectively.
“Without the public’s support, I would be concerned that the void could be filled by criminal elements which offers nothing for our communities.”
The last meeting of the PCSP heard that funding has been secured to take the initiative forward. The new working group will consider the oversight of the project, timescales and appropriate consultation methods to reach as broad an audience as possible.
You can find out more about the work of Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership be going to https://www.causewaycoastandgl...
PCSP urges vigilance against modern slavery and human trafficking
Tue, May 11, 2021
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership wants to raise awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking.
These harrowing issues were the subject of a recent presentation to PCSP members by PSNI Detective Constable Heather Flanigan.
Following a request from Councillor Oliver McMullan, the virtual meeting held on Thursday 6th May was an opportunity for the partnership to learn more about the issues and legislation which exists to protect victims.
Speaking afterwards, Councillor McMullan said: “The PCSP is committed to playing its part in keeping people safe and this extends to all types of criminality.
“In many cases, modern slavery and human trafficking is taking place in plain sight and for this reason we all need to be vigilant.
“If something doesn’t look right it should be reported to the Police. We must work together to create a safe environment where we can all live freely and without fear.”
If you need help or you think someone may be a victim of slavery or exploitation you can call the confidential Modern Slavery Helpline, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on 08000 121 700.
Working Groups Established
To ensure that each member of the PCSP has an opportunity to actively contribute to the direction of the partnership, four strategic themed working groups were established on 3rd September 2020:
ASB & Drug and alcohol related crime
Early intervention
Societal Abuse
Fear of crime and Crime prevention
These working groups allow for in-depth discussions of the issues under each theme. Recommendations made are taken to the PCSP board for approval.
Please note below the dates of the PCSP Meetings. If you have any Community Safety or Policing issues please email them to PCSP@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk in advance.
Cllr Oliver McMullan
Thursday 15th April 2pm
Thursday 6th May 2pm
Thursday 3rd June 2pm
Thursday 2nd September 2pm
Thursday 7th October 2pm
Thursday 4th November 2pm
Thursday 2nd December 2pm
Causeway Policing and Community Safety Partnership signals support for autism awareness
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Partnership (PCSP) welcomed representatives from the Northern Health and Social Care Trust’s Autism services to its latest virtual meeting as it aims to reach out to people living with disabilities.
Members heard an engaging presentation from Jayne Colville, who provided an overview of the role and priorities of the service and the work of the Northern Area Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Forum.
Latest figures from the Department for Health show that 4.2% of school aged children were recorded with an autism diagnosis in 2019/20.
Speaking after the meeting, Cllr Oliver McMullan said: “As a lifelong disability champion I’m committed to seeing our Partnership expand its support for the most vulnerable within our society to ensure they feel safe and valued.
“This was a very worthwhile opportunity for members to learn more about ASD services which are active in our area, along with the opportunities which exist for proactive collaboration to increase awareness, understanding and accessibility for those living with autism.
“During the meeting the PSNI signalled its commitment to autism-awareness and last year there was tremendous uptake from the business community for JAM Card* training offered by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. Looking ahead, we should strive to become an autism-friendly Borough as part of a commitment to deliver for all people within our communities.”
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP now wants to develop a specific scheme to help those living with disabilities stay safe and feel secure. It’s calling on individuals with special needs or disabilities, along with those who support them, to get involved in shaping a new community safety focused initiative. To take part in the consultation process please contact the PCSP by emailing pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or ring 028 7034 7034.
New campaign from Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership aims to keep young people safe online
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership has collaborated with the NSPCC, Education Authority, and the Northern and Western Health Trusts on a new digital internet safety campaign aimed at young people.
It will focus on a series of different themes and use animation to provide advice in an engaging way.
The first message around 'Suicide, Mental Health and Self-Esteem' will be released on February 9th via Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP Facebook page as well as each of our partners social media channels to coincide with Internet Safety Day. This will be followed by weekly releases on a range of topics including gaming, cyber bullying and gambling. www.facebook.com/causewaycoastglenspcsp
Campaign animations will be rolled out as follows:
Tuesday 9th February 2021 - Suicide, Mental Health, and Self-Esteem
Monday 15th February 2021- Cyber Bullying
Monday 22nd February 2021 -Gaming and gambling
Monday 1st March 2021 - Sharing and receiving inappropriate images
Monday 5th March 2021 - Where to go to for support
If you require any further information please contact the PCSP on pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or call 028 7034 7034.
PCSP - Crime Prevention Videos
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership have developed a series of short crime prevention videos which will be shared weekly throughout November. Video topics include: Domestic Abuse, How to protect your property, Cold Callers and Scams.
Please take a few minutes of your time to watch and share the first video on Domestic Abuse. Do you know the signs? and support available?
The information may not be relevant to you but by sharing this video you may be helping those who are suffering to access support and help.
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP would like to thank all the contributors who have made these videos possible.
Head to our Facebook page to watch and share the videos. www.facebook.com/causewaycoastglenspcsp
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP vows to build on drug awareness campaign
Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership has vowed to continue to highlight the dangers of drugs through its work with young people, schools and communities.
The issue was one of the main talking points at a recent PCSP meeting, which was held remotely due to the ongoing pandemic. Working with the PSNI, the PCSP facilitated five public drug awareness events across the Borough last year, featuring representation from local officers, education from Start 360 and testimony from local community members. The main aim was to highlight the damage that drugs can cause to our families and the wider community.
The Partnership also ran local awareness raising campaigns, facilitated school events and installed RAPID (Remove
All Prescription and Illegal Drugs) bins in Coleraine and Limavady to remove prescription and illegal drugs from our streets and ultimately make the borough a safer place.
At the PCSP meeting held on Monday 29th June, Councillor Brenda Chivers asked for more to be done to combat drug dealers. Her motion was seconded by Councillor Peacock and accepted by the PCSP board for action. The motion was as follows;
"To establish a project that will raise awareness of those involved in drug dealing, in order to give the public the confidence to report any drug dealing in their areas".
Councillor Oliver McMullan said: “Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the PCSP has been unable to hold a typical Partnership meeting but modern technology allowed us to meet via online platforms where the issue of drug dealing was discussed at great length. Building on our recent anti-drug initiatives, and in line with ongoing coronavirus restrictions, we intend to develop our work with the RAPID Bins initiative and to continue our localised campaigns where information and advice will be provided on billboards, phone boxes and buses across the area. Further educational programmes are also on the agenda, focusing on schools and the wider public, in line with our Action Plan.
“Make no mistake, drug dealing is happening in our communities and whilst we have been assured by the PSNI that additional resources are being deployed, the problem requires a collective response from not just police, but other agencies and the wider community. Disrupting the sale and supply of illegal and dangerous drugs continues to be a priority and whilst the PSNI is committed to tackling the issue, they need co-operation.
“We would continue to encourage everyone to report any information about drug dealing to the PSNI (101) or you can contact the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800555111.
Your information may be the final piece of intelligence needed to search a suspected dealer’s home or it could help identify a new dealer in your area.
“Don’t let drug dealers destroy lives in our communities - call now and help us stop them.”
Policing and Community Safety Partnerships
PCSPs (Policing and Community Safety Partnerships) aim to make our community safer.
They are statutory bodies established under the Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 and they are funded jointly by the Department of Justice and the Northern Ireland Policing Board.
There are 11 partnerships, one for each council area.
Each PCSP has a Policing Committee, to take forward specific police monitoring and engagement functions, with the wider PCSP taking forward community safety related functions.
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP has 10 political members and 9 independent members.
Political Members:
The current Chair is Ald Adrian McQuillan
Cllr Philip Anderson
Cllr Brenda Chivers
Cllr Norman Hillis
Ald George Duddy
Cllr Sandra Hunter
Cllr Leanne Peacock
Cllr Ashleen Schenning
Cllr Ivor Wallace
Cllr Oliver McMullan
Independent Members:
Miss Leanne Abernethy
Mr Steven Chambers
Mr Lee Kane
Mr Derek McDonald
Mr Sam McGregor
Mrs Anne McNickle
Mrs Patricia McQuillen
Mrs DehraJane Adele Tomb
Mrs Caroline White
What we do?
Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP aims to make our community safer. We do this by focusing on the policing and community safety issues that matter most across the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.
- consult and engage with the local community on the issues of concern in relation to policing and community safety. The Policing Committee has a distinct responsibility to provide views to the relevant district commander and the Policing Board on policing matters;
- identify and prioritise the particular issues of concern and prepare plans for how these can be tackled;
- monitor - a Policing Committee comprising the political and independent members will monitor the performance of the police and work to gain the co-operation of the public with the police in preventing crime; and
- deliver a reduction in crime and enhance community safety in our area, directly through our own interventions, through the work of our delivery groups or through support for the work of others.
Getting involved
Community involvement is vitally important if we are to really deliver a safer society for all. Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP is keen to hear your views.
We will consult with those living and working in the borough, to find out your views on crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour, as well as local policing.