From 1st July 2013 under the Construction Products Regulations No.305/2011 (CPR), it became mandatory for manufacturers to draw up a Declaration of Performance and apply CE Marking to any of their construction products covered by a harmonized European Standard or which conforms to a European Technical Assessment (which has been issued for it), when a product is placed on the market.
The Construction Products Regulations 2013 contains the offences and enforcement provisions for the Construction Products Regulation (EU) No. 205/2011, which district councils within Northern Ireland have a duty to enforce.
The Construction Products Regulations (EU) No. 205/2011 contains articles which require the provision of authoritative guidance / interpretation by government. The lead government department responsible for CPR is the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
The European Commission has produced Frequently Asked Questions on the Construction Products Regulation, which can be found at – http://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/construction/index_en.htm
Businesses are also advised to contact Invest NI regarding further information and possible funding should they be exporting.
Other information on construction products is available as follows:
- Construction Products Regulation No 305/2011
- Guidance note on construction products regulation – Version 2
- The Construction Products Regulations 2013
- List of CPD/CPRhENs (links to Notified Bodies)
- http://www.constructionproducts.org.uk/publications/technical-and-regulatory/construction-products-regulation/
- European Commission guidance (includes their FAQs) http://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/european-standards/
- The Planning Portal – Information on CPR
- Published guidance from other trade organisations
Contact Us
If you would like further information, please contact us at Ballymoney Office, Riada House, 14 Charles Street, Ballymoney BT53 6DZ.