Role of the Planning Committee

The Planning Committee (“the Committee”) will be responsible for taking the key decisions and actions required specifically in relation to the work of the Planning Department.

This will include:

  • Taking decisions in relation to the majority of planning decisions unless delegated to appointed officers.
  • Taking decisions on planning applications and other planning related decisions as set out in the Scheme of Delegation
  • Recommending to Council the LDP for public consultation and adoption.
  • Approving and overseeing the delivery of any relevant service strategies for the Planning Department;
  • Approving relevant policies and procedures to improve performance of the Planning Department;
  • Monitoring and reviewing business and service delivery plans for the Planning Department;
  • Approving the establishment of external partnerships relevant to the role of the Planning Department;
  • Approving the resolution of any associated issues;
  • Considering resource implications of any recommendations.


The Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee sets out the procedures for the Planning Committee Meeting

Planning Committee Determination Process

On receipt of a valid planning application the application will go through the following stages:

  1. Application validated or returned invalid
  2. Statutory consultees consulted and non-statutory consultees consulted as considered necessary by planning officer
  3. Publication and Notification – advertisement placed in a local newspaper and/or neighbours notified
  4. Representations of support/objection received
  5. Site inspected
  6. Planning report prepared
  7. Report considered by Development Management group
  8. Opinion formed
  9. Planning Committee Report prepared for Planning Committee
  10. Schedule of Applications to the Planning Committee published on Council website on 3rd Wednesday of the month
  11. Application determined by Planning Committee on 4th Wednesday of the month.
  12. Decision Notice prepared, signed and issued
  13. Those who made representations notified of the decision

At any stage between steps 1 and 8, the applicant/agent or a third party who submitted a representation may request one meeting with either the Senior Planning Officer or the Principal Planning Officer to discuss the proposed development. It is the decision of the applicant/agent/third party to decide who accompanies them at the meeting, for example an elected representative.

Following acceptance of a request for a referral by an elected member, a Planning Committee Report is prepared and the application is placed on an agenda for a forthcoming Planning Committee meeting.

The agenda for the Planning Committee meeting, including the Planning Committee Report, is circulated to Committee Members in advance of the meeting, normally 1 week in advance. The schedule of applications for determination at the forthcoming Planning Committee meeting is also uploaded onto the Planning section of Councils website at that time.

Members of the public must not circulate information directly to Members of the Planning Committee. This information will only be considered if submitted directly to the Planning Department or via

Updated information received after the agenda has issued will be circulated to Members. The Planning Officer shall prepare an addendum report(s) to advise Members about the consideration of any updated information received since the agenda issued that is required to inform the decision. If the information is received after 10am on the Monday prior to the Committee meeting, the Officer will advise Members verbally in respect of same.

In accordance with Section 10.0 of the Protocol, all parties wishing to address the Committee on a planning application must register their wish to do so with the Planning Department either in writing to Planning Department, Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine BT52 1 EY or by emailing All requests to address the Committee on a planning application must be received by 10am on the Monday immediately prior to the Planning Committee meeting and must provide their name, whether they are speaking in support or objecting to the application and the planning reference number of the application on which they wish to speak. Only those registered to speak within the timeframe will be allowed to address the Committee either to speak or answer questions.

In lieu of speaking, Council Members and members of the public may submit representations in writing for consideration by the Committee. Written representations must be received by the Planning Department or via email by 10am on the Monday prior to the Planning Committee meeting and will be reported to the Committee via an Addendum Report. Representations in lieu of speaking received after this time will be returned.

An application scheduled for determination at the Planning Committee will not be withdrawn from the schedule due to failure of interested parties to register their request to speak within the above specified timeframe.

You can view a planning decision via:

You can also view the minutes of the Planning Committee on the Council website after they have been agreed by the Committee.

Scheme of Delegation

Speaking Rights

In accordance with Section 10.0 of the Protocol, all parties wishing to address the Committee on a planning application must register their wish to do so with the Planning Department either in writing to Planning Department, Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine BT52 1 EY or by emailing prefereably by completing the Speaking Request Template. All requests to address the Committee on a planning application must be received by 10am on the Monday immediately prior to the Planning Committee meeting and must provide the following information:

  • the planning reference number of the application on which they wish to speak;
  • their name and contact details;
  • whether they are speaking in support of objecting to the application; and
  • accompanied with a legible written submission of no longer than two sides of an A4 page. This can be hand written or typed typically in font size minimum 10 summarising the points to be addressed and provide supplementary information in support of their case

Only those registered to speak within the timeframe will be allowed to address the Committee either to speak or answer questions. On the occasion that an application is deferred by the Planning Committee to be brought back to a subsequent Committee, those that have already secured speaking rights will automatically retain the opportunity to speak at any subsequent Planning Committee meeting that the relevant planning application is scheduled on the agenda for determination. Those who have not previously secured speaking rights will have the opportunity to register to speak within the timeframe for any subsequent Committee meeting that the relevant planning application is scheduled on the agenda for determination.

In lieu of speaking, Elected Members and members of the public may submit representations in writing for consideration by the Committee. Written representations must be received by the Planning Department via email at by 10am on the Monday prior to the Planning Committee meeting and will be reported to the Committee via an Addendum Report. Representations in lieu of speaking received after this time will not be accepted and will be returned.

An application scheduled for determination at the Planning Committee will not be withdrawn from the schedule due to failure of interested parties to register their request to speak within the above specified timeframe.

It is important to note the following:

  • Speakers cannot circulate any documentation, including the use of PowerPoint presentation, at the Committee meeting
  • Speakers will have a total of 5 minutes for those objecting to the proposal
  • Speakers will have a total of 5 minutes for those speaking in support of the proposal, including applicants, agents and third parties

    Planning Committee Agendas and Minutes