Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Elite Athlete Scheme
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Elite Athlete Scheme is an incentive to help support local athletes who are competing at a high level of excellence in their chosen sport. The Council recognises the dedication and achievement of such sportspersons and want to convey their support with the gesture of Elite Athlete Scheme membership that will allow awarded sportspersons complimentary use of agreed Council leisure facilities.
The aim of this Scheme is to give recognition to all sports persons from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough area that have attained Provincial or International level or are National Champions in their chosen sport. Such sports persons will (subject to meeting minimum designated criteria), be admitted to the Elite Athlete Scheme and will be permitted to use on an individual basis identified facilities owned and managed by Council on a complimentary basis. This is in recognition of the sportspersons achievements and to support their high level of physical preparation in their chosen sport.
Successful Applicants are permitted to use the leisure facilities at any of the following venues:
Coleraine Leisure Centre – Swimming Pool and Gym
Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre - Swimming Pool and Gym
Roe Valley Leisure Centre - Swimming Pool and Gym
Sheskburn Recreation Centre – Gym
Dungiven Sports Centre – Gym
Jim Watt Sports Centre – Gym
Further Information
For further information see the Guidance Notes and Application Form below for download.
You can also complete the application form online: