Section 75 Equality and Good Relations

Consultation on Screening of Policies January to March 2020

Aim/Purpose of Policy New or Revised Policy Date of Screening Recommendation
Sickness Absence Management Policy & Procedure The sickness absence policy and procedures aim to: • Provide an appropriate balance between the needs of the service and the needs of individuals when dealing with sickness absence. • Provide clear and effective guidelines on the management and monitoring of absenteeism. • Clarify roles and responsibilities in relation to the management of absence. • Assist in the management of the cost to, and the impact of, absence on the organisation. • Support employees to return to work as soon as possible. • Improve the health and well-being of all employees by facilitating and supporting appropriate initiatives and interventions. New DPIA Screening 16 January 2020 Screened out with mitigation
Debt Management Policy The aim of this policy is to communicate to staff and council debtors the Council strategy for the avoidance of bad debts arising, in meeting its financial obligations. This policy sets out the framework within which debt management will be administered within the Council. Revised DPIA Screening 06 February 2020 Screened out without mitigation
Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee The Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee sets out the operation of the Planning Committee meeting. The key aim of the Protocol is to ensure that the Committee makes decisions that are sound, lawful and transparent. Revised DPIA Screening and RNA Screening 07 February 2020 Screened out without mitigation
Scheme of Delegation for the Planning Department The Scheme of Delegation sets out those decisions on the Planning function that must be determined by Planning Committee and those that are delegated to authorised officers. Revised DPIA Screening and RNA Screening 07 February 2020 Screened out without mitigation