Section 75 Equality and Good Relations

Consultation on Screening of Policies July to September 2021

Policy/Strategy Aim/Purpose of Policy New or Revised Policy Date of Screening Recommendation
NI100 Projects The Good Relations Strategy and Action plan details how council will fulfil its statutory Good Relations duty in tackling sectarianism, racism and other forms of intolerance and how Council aims to actively promote good relations at a local level. The projects being delivered by GR as part of the NI100 Programme are included as they are already approved within the action plan. The NI100 programme is made up a wide variety of projects and initiative’s and the contribution of the GR facilitated projects aim to ensure that the programme is reflective of and provides opportunities to encourage all community backgrounds to participate in dialogue that is respectful to the 2 main traditions / communities within Northern Ireland. The Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area is made up of the following: 40.21% belong to or were brought up in the Catholic religion and 54.79% belong to or were brought up in the 'Protestant and Other Christian (including Christian related)' religion; and 5% were other/ none. The Good Relations projects aims to ensure that the NI100 programme provides opportunities for and is open and accessible to all. New DPIA 27 August 2021 Screened out without mitigation
Breastfeeding Policy This policy sets out how Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will support expectant and new mothers and their partners to feed and care for their baby in ways which support optimal health and well-being. Aims: • To ensure all Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council public areas and venues provide a welcoming atmosphere for breastfeeding families. • To inform and support managers and staff to facilitate women to continue breastfeeding for as long as they want to. • To adopt a breastfeeding culture throughout our Council area. • To support women who choose to breastfeed for longer. Outcomes: • To develop a culture where breastfeeding is seen as the normal method of feeding babies and young children whereby mothers feel supported to do so. • To encourage and support more women to breastfeed; for as long as they want. • To ensure any mother choosing to breastfeed feels confident, comfortable and supported to do so whether working; living in, or visiting the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area. New DPIA and RNA Screening 06 September 2021 Screened out with mitigation
Planning Enforcement Strategy The key objectives of the review of the Planning Enforcement Strategy is to ensure that Council takes enforcement action against unauthorised development where it considers it expedient to do so and to clearly set out the service standards expected in carrying out this function. New DPIA and RNA Screening 08 September 2021 Screened out without mitigation
Litter Strategy (Draft) Litter is an ongoing environmental challenge. The primary aim is to engage with and educate stakeholders so as to minimise as far as possible the occurrences of littering through behaviour change. New DPIA and RNA Screening 22 September 2021 Screened out without mitigation