Section 75 Equality and Good Relations

Consultation on Screening Reports April to June 2024

Policy/StrategyAim/Purpose of PolicyNew or Revised PolicyDate of ScreeningRecommendation
Social Media PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to encourage and enable staff to use social media appropriately. It makes clear our responsibilities to do so in accordance with the Code of Conduct and sets out the principles that staff are expected to follow when using social media in their personal and professional lives. Council aims to inform staff of their obligations with regard to the use of social media whilst minimising the risks of inappropriate use of social media to our business. The policy aims to help staff understand the reputational, legal and ethical implications of engaging in online communication of this nature – and what can happen if social media is misused, whether intentionally or otherwise.New04.04.2024Screened out with mitigation
Policy for the utilisation of the time recording systemStage 1 Identify and comply with the internal audit report recommendations. Stage 2 Devise and implement an overall comprehensive procedure.New04.04.2024Screened out with mitigation
Self-Disclosure & Employment of People with Convictions PolicyCouncil is committed to equality of opportunity and the fair treatment of its staff, potential staff and users of its services. We aim to actively promote equality of opportunity and strive to ensure that we have the right mix of talent, skills and potential within the organisation. Applications are welcomed from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records. Council will ensure selection of candidates based on their qualifications, experience, knowledge and competencies as required.New04.04.2024Screened out with mitigation
Alcohol, Drugs & Substance Use PolicyThe aims of the policy are to: Encourage and support employees who have an alcohol, drug and substance use and misuse problem to seek help voluntarily. Provide a consistent framework for the management of alcohol, drug and substance use and misuse. Prevent the risk of accidents and injuries by employees suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug and substance use and misuse. Raise the awareness to employees of the risks of alcohol, drug and substance use and misuse. Set out the terms in which alcohol, drug and substance testing may be carried out. Define the roles and responsibilities for employees, Line Managers and OD/HR in relation to alcohol, drug and substance use and misuse. Provide guidance to Line Managers to support employees when addressing these issues and where required, to appropriately manage unsatisfactory conduct, performance or attendance where alcohol, drug and substance use and misuse is a contributing factor. To prevent injury or death of employees, their colleagues or any other person. To prevent damage to or destruction of Council’s assets or equipment, or the property of employees, their colleagues or any other person. To ensure the safe and efficient provision of Council services.New04.04.2024Screened out with mitigation
Rathlin Sound Festival 2024Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is committed to creating and maintaining a most inclusive environment for visitors attending an event. Take all reasonable steps to ensure that facilities and services at events are accessible to all. Ensure that all S75 groups attending events do not experience any form of harm, discrimination or degrading treatment.Revised21.05.2024Screened out without mitigation