10th August 2021 Environmental Services Meeting
Environmental Services Committee
Addendum (Notification attached)
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee meeting held 8 June 2021 (summary attached)
4. Presentation by DfI Roads representative
FOR DECISION (Items 5 - 10 inclusive)
5. Entertainment Licensing Report (report attached)
Addendum Entertainment Licensing Report (report attached)
6. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the enforcement of regulatory checks on poultrymeat, beef and veal and eggs by the NI District Councils on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (report attached)
7. Affordable Warmth Service Level Agreement 2021-2022 (report attached)
8. Funding offer from Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) Product Safety Programme 2021-2022 (11 NI Councils) (report attached)
9. Local Air Quality Management - Letter of Offer Environment Fund 2019-2023 (report attached)
10. LiveSmart Community Environmental Grant Programme (2021-22) – Applicants (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 11-16 inclusive)
11. Entertainment Licence Renewals (report attached)
12. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)
13. Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)
14. The Noise App (report attached)
15. PPC Permit (report attached)
16. Castlerock Footbridge (report attached)
17. Correspondence Report (report attached)
18. Consultation Documents (report attached)
19. Conferences
20. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
FOR DECISION IN COMMITTEE (Items 21 – 23 inclusive)
21. Service Level Agreement with Private Contractor (WISE) to complement Litter Enforcement (report attached)
22. Tender for the Collection/Receipt and Reprocessing of Wood from Household Recycling Centres (report attached)
23. Car Park Permit Consultation and Update (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION IN COMMITTEE (Items 24 - 25 inclusive)
24. ES Finance P2 Management Accounts (report attached)
25. ES Finance P3 Management Accounts (report attached)
26. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))
Councillor Holmes
(i) What action has or can be taken with the PSNI to deter and/or catch those responsible for removing the life lines along the River Bann in Coleraine?
Alderman Fielding
(ii) In future In advance of a public holiday, will Council directly inform those householders affected by a change in their normal bin collection day.
Alderman Fielding
(iii) Can the grass be cut at Portstewart Town Hall.
Councillor MA McKillop
(iv) What’s council policy on new signage for towns and village now that we have a new corporate image .
Councillor McQuillan
(v) Can the director give an update on the problem at The Manor Golf club Kilrea which the golf balls are going into private property and causing major damage.
Alderman Hillis
(vi) May I have an update about the Tacco Van which has been trading without a trading licence at the Metropole most of the summer.
Alderman Hillis
(vii) There have been numerous complaints about the surface dirt on many of our town centre paved areas possibly due to the prolonged dry spell this summer. Has Environmental Services plans to solve this problem?
Cllr Knight-McQuilllan
(viii) In March of this year I had been informed that works on Garvagh War Memorial was more or less imminent and just awaiting sign of by funders. There has been no obvious signs of commencement to date. Please provide an update on the commencement of works for Garvagh War Memorial including a time line and expected completion date.”
Councillor Holmes
(iv) Could we get an update on the tabs maintenance system?
How many items are on it?
What is the average close out period?
What are the longest outstanding items?
How is work allocated?