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13th February 2018 Leisure and Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 13th February 2018 Time: 07:00 PM


1.  Apologies

2.  Declarations of Interest

3.  Minutes of reconvened meeting (12 December 2017) held 9 January 2018 (summary attached)

4.  Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 9 January 2018 (summary attached)

5.  Members will receive a presentation from Officers on Tourism Marketing activities for 2018/2019

FOR DECISION (Items 6-10 Inclusive)

6.  Tourism Events Grant Funding (report attached)

7.  Event Evaluation (report attached)

8.  2019 Open Championship – Event Management (report attached)

9.  Bonfire Framework (report attached)

10.  Roe Valley Enterprises (report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 11-13 Inclusive)

11.  Market Yard (Report attached)

12.  Portrush Revitalise Panel (report attached)

13.  Ballycastle Leisure Update (report attached)

14.  Correspondence (report attached)

15.  Consultations

16.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Quigley, seconded by Alderman Hickey


“Council notes the hardship caused by the introduction of Personal Independence Payments and calls on the Department for Communities to take immediate steps to ensure that applicants for these payments are not left without money for unacceptable periods of time; that they are afforded dignity and respect at assessments and where they fall short of the points needed to qualify they are given every assistance and advice to source additional medical information deemed necessary to make a decision in their favour. Furthermore, this council calls for additional support for applicants who are compelled to go to appeal or their PIP payments.”

17.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Mulholland, seconded by Councillor Chivers

“That this Council establishes a 'task and finish' working group to carry out a scoping investigation into the impact Brexit will have across the Borough; to consult with education, business, agriculture, community & voluntary, tourism stakeholders and other relevant organisations; and to report back to Council by April 2018.”

18.  Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman Finlay, seconded by Councillor Fielding

“Whereas this council, Causeway Coast and Glens, recognises the vital significance of Bombardier Aerospace, formerly Shorts, for the Northern Ireland economy, with four thousand three hundred workers directly employed and a further twenty thousand employed indirectly in the supply chain or through induced economic activity; we express our profound concern at the threat posed to these jobs by the recent protectionist judgements by the US International Trade Commission which effectively placed a 300% surcharge on the C Series aircraft in an attempt to close the US market; it is resolved to express our full solidarity with the workforce and company at this time of trial and propose to write directly to the Prime Minister Theresa May MP to request that the government make it known to Boeing that if they do not withdraw their case then they will be excluding themselves from UK Procurement opportunities both current and future; it is further resolved to write to the European Trade Commissioner to request an immediate escalation through existing trade disputes mechanisms.”


19.  Leisure Management Options, CLC (for information, report attached)

20.  The Open Championship 2019 – Transport Plan (report attached)

21.  Magilligan Tender Report (report attached)

22.  Advice Services Tender Report (report attached)

23.  Alchemy Programme Contractor Award (report attached)

24.  Confidential Correspondence (report attached)

25.  Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)