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27th June 2017 Council

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 27th June 2017 Time: 07:00 PM


1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies 
3. Declarations of Members’ Interests
4. Deputation - Northern Ireland Ombudsman’s Office
    F Meehan, Senior Investigating Officer, Local Government and P McFadden, Deputy Commissioner, NI Ombudsman’s Office in attendance
5. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 23 May 2017 (copy attached)
6. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 24 May 2017 (copy attached)
7. Minutes of Annual Meeting held Monday 5 June 2017 (copy attached)
8. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 6 June 2017 (copy attached)
8.1 Castlerock Footbridge (verbal update)
9. Minutes of Leisure & Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 
13 June 2017 (copy attached)
9.1 Briefing on Forthcoming Irish Open at Portstewart Golf Club
      S Allice, Championship Director, European Tour in attendance.
10. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting held Wednesday 14 June 2017 (copy attached)
11. Minutes of Corporate Policy & Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 
20 June 2017 (to follow)
11.1 Annual Performance Improvement Objectives (report attached)
12. Minutes of Special Council Meeting held Thursday 22 June 2017 (to follow)
13. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side 
14. Conferences
15. Correspondence (report attached) 
16. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
17. Seal Documents
      Grave Registry Certificates
17.1 Grave Registry Certificates, Coleraine, Ballywillan, Agherton and Portstewart Cemeteries (No’s 4506 - 4517 inclusive)
17.2 Grave Registry Certificates, Ballymoney Cemetery (2629, 2888, 2902 & 2903) 
17.3 Grave Registry Certificates, Enagh Cemetery, Limavady (No. 462) 
       Leases/ Licences/ Other
17.4 Letter of Offer from Invest Northern Ireland for Financial Assistance to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
18. Notice of Motion submitted and proposed by Alderman Robinson, seconded by Councillor Fielding
‘That this Council pays tribute to all those from our community who served on the Centenary of the End of the Great War, acknowledges with grateful thanks those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom and do so by participating in the Beacons of Light National Tribute on the 11th November 2018 and further propose the establishment of a Group to include key stakeholders to plan this important event’