28th September 2022 Planning Committee
Planning Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 24 August 2022 (report attached)
4. Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
5. Schedule of Applications:
5.1 LA01/2015/0188/F, (Major) 275m NW of 145 Pollysbrae Road, Limavady (report attached) (correspondence from Agent attached)
5.2 LA01/2019/0890/F, (Major) Existing Rigged Hill Windfarm site 6km East/South East of Limavady (report attached) (Objection from K Lynch attached) (Objection from V Lusby attached) (Objection from V Lusby attached) (Objection from V Lusby attached) (Objection from V Lusby attached)
5.3 LA01/2020/1403/F, (Objection) Lands immediately South of 80-90 Freehall Road & West of 7, 9, 11 & 15 Belvedere Avenue, Castlerock (report attached) (Addendum attached)
5.4 LA01/2020/1135/F, (Referral) Site at 80a Curragh Road, Dungiven (report attached) (Site Visit report attached) (Correspondence from Agent attached) (Additional correspondence from Agent) (Further additional correspondence from Agent)
5.5 LA01/2020/0975/F, (Referral) Lands due south of 56 Lisnagrot Road Kilrea (report attached) (Correspondence from Agent attached)
5.6 LA01/2021/0034/F, (Referral) 15 Ballyrashane Road, Coleraine (report attached)
5.7 LA01/2022/0061/O, (Referral) Lands located immediately North of 41B Tirkeeran Road, Garvagh (report attached)
5.8 LA01/2021/1014/F, (Referral) Flat No's 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D Millthorne Mews, Main Street, Limavady (report attached) (Correspondence from Agent)
5.9 LA01/2020/0815/O, (Referral) 124 Mullan Road & Lands immediately South East of 124 Mullan Road, Rasharkin (report attached) (Addendum attached) (Erratum attached)
6. Development Plan
6.1 LDP – 6 month work programme (report attached)
6.2 DfC Proposed Listing – War Memorial, Ballydevitt Road, Aghadowey (report attached)
7. Correspondence:
7.1 Letter to DfI Minister re: LDP Process (copy attached)
FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Items 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4)
8. Confidential Items:
8.1 Update on Legal Issues
8.2 Finance Period 1 - 4 - Update 2022/23 (report attached)
8.3 New Planning IT System (Verbal Update)
8.4 CC&G Landscape Study (report to follow)
9. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))