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Tuesday 18 February 2025 Leisure and Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 18th February 2025 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee meeting held Tuesday 21st January 2025 (summary attached)

Addendum - Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategic Framework, The NI Executive Office


4. Labour Market Partnership (LMP) Action Plan 2025 (Report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Item 5-8 Inclusive)

5. Limavady Scoping Exercise (Report attached)

6. Update Report on Masterplans Review (Report attached)

7. LMP Additional Funding (Report attached)

8. Minutes of LMP Meetings (Report attached)

9. Correspondence

10. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel

11. Consultations

12. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Kyle, seconded by Councillor Jonathan McAuley

This council reiterates its support towards our senior citizens and their health and wellbeing, and in doing so we instruct our officers to prepare a membership concession proposal for use of our leisure facilities by senior citizens, noting that other councils already offer the facility.

13. Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman S McKillop, seconded by Alderman Fielding

That this Council recognises the need to protect businesses and charities that provide vital frontline services from the destructive impact of the Government’s changes to employers’ National Insurance contributions; notes concerns voiced by general practitioners, dentists, care homes and a range of other independent providers that this added cost could jeopardise the future of some services and create additional hardship for the most vulnerable in society; further notes the rising challenges facing Executive departments, local councils and the Northern Ireland Civil Service as a result of the hike in employers’ National Insurance; believes this deeply flawed policy will make it more expensive for businesses and employers of all sizes to retain and recruit staff, forcing many to choose between cutting jobs or raising prices for already-struggling consumers; urges the Chancellor of the Exchequer to reverse changes to employers’ National Insurance in order to protect businesses, farms and vital frontline services; and calls on the Minister of Finance to work with Executive colleagues to ascertain the total additional cost of increased employer national insurance contributions for the public sector, including independent providers; and further calls on the Minister of Finance to lobby the Chancellor of Exchequer for the funding required to meet this shortfall in full, protect jobs and incomes and place the delivery of frontline public services on a stable footing.


14. Garvagh Phase 2 Clyde Park Tender (Report attached)

15. Coleraine Leisure Centre Air Con Tender (Report attached)

16. Capital Grants (Report attached)

17. Integrated Advice Partnership Funding (Report attached)

18. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)

Alderman Stewart 

To ask for an update on the development of a strategy for motorhome provision, further to discussion at Item 21 of the Environmental Services committee meeting on 12th December 2023, to manage motorhome parking during the tourist season.

Councillor Holmes

Could officers provide an update on the damage to Garvagh Forest in the aftermath of Storm Eowyn and the implications for the reopening of the bike trails.

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